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Flying Disciplinary

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Posts posted by Flying Disciplinary

  1. You know, if there is one thing in this world I hate it's people who want the same old rubbish repeated over and over again and get upset when someone sticks their head above the parapet and does something trailblazing.


    In some countries it's custom to give the person you're trying to talk to adequate time to respond before having a go.


    I'm new to this forum but disgusted at the way G7USL appears to expect people to be at her beck and call and not have real world lives to attend to. And as for Paul J, did your mother not teach you manners? I don't know who Samson is and don't particularly care but he's obviously doing a job that neither G7USL or Paul J are man enough to do. I presume you guys live in "free" countries - you owe that to the brave men and women who serve in the armed forces, wherever that may be.


    As for Eclipse, I'm signing up right now, it looks different and pollished and nothing like any other VA. I hope it lives up to my expectations. I'll let you all know.

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