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Posts posted by chrismot

  1. 7 hours ago, sivart2000 said:

    LIMIT FPS! Unlimited is going to dump all that extra work on the GPU instead of the CPU now. Why not limit FPS so that once the GPU has rendered its 30 frames, instead of trying to render "infinity" frames, the headroom can be used for increases in other settings? I currently run at 24fps and can get as low as 20 and still have a smooth experience in V4.5 and intend to do the same in V5. I don't want my GPU trying to render extra frames I don't need at the expense of AI traffic, scenery and ambiance(shadows, reflections etc). I suspect many of those with graphics cards of 8GB or more running into VRAM issues are more concerned with running high fps and thus running fps unlimited rather than balancing out workload to make an immersive experience. I went through the same thing when I first got V4. It was a tough pill to swallow that I'd never run 60fps at KTPA in the NGXu with nice shadows, reflections, clouds, AI etc. I have it nailed now, 24-30 and smooth with the exception of places like FlyTampa EHAM with Netherlands HD and the NGXu (18-22fps).

    So by running with framerates unlimited, you are just making your GPU render a lot of unnecessary frames at the expense of valuable VRAM. This isn't first person shooter, no need for 120fps. I think my V4.5 looks great right now and when I do switch to V5, I intend on running the exact same settings with the expectation of not 60fps but a steady smooth 30 even at EHAM. How many folks have tried running apples to apples comparison of 4 and 5?




    I think our friend Sivart2000 is right...! With the DirectXY 12, we give even more work to the GPU. And if we ask the CPU to work as before (unlimited FPS), something seems to me incorrect. You should give the CPU a little more time instead of asking it to send a lot of images to the graphics card...

    I tested : unlimited FPS, the fluidity is very bad... FPS limited to 30 or 40 depending on the PC configuration, limited either on the graphics card or in P3Dv5, and the fluidity comes back!

    Try it, it's worth it....!

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