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Posts posted by seisiin

  1. Just got FSpassengers for FSX and was wondering a couple of things. First, what is the quickest way to build up a company? And second, is there any way to have pilots to Automatic flights while I'm flying with another? or do I have to put it up on the web?


    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. I've always been a huge admirer of Amelia Earhart, and I was thinking, what if someone came up with a mission or flightplan that would allow a pilot to retrace her flight in FSX? Anyone think people might be interested in this? If so, I will redo the flight plan I used to have of this flight and post it in the library. :Whistle: :biggrin:

  3. lol... I know right! I was thinking about something like a tripple decker version of the A380! It sounds nuts, I know, but there it is! I love huge planes.


    So the question is, is there anyone out there who would be willing to do something like that? Would it even work? Or maybe take a double decker and add seats in the wings, like they were originally supposed to do with the trip7. I think up the craziest things sometimes!

  4. Just curious as to what some of you more experienced folks would say about an idea I had for the future.


    I was thinking, once I got settled in Georgia, probably sometime next year, starting a project wherein I would build a one person cockpit no bigger than a basic fighter or a Lancer cockpit. If I did this with custom switches and panels, how expensive would it be to get USB emulator boards?

  5. well, in that case, next time i get brave enough to try it again, i'll keep that in mind. What about the SDK included with fsx deluxe not working? Can't even get it to show up at all. The spot where the tools menu option is supposed to apear inside the sim itself doesn't show up, yet I followed the directions to the letter probably twenty different times. Maybe I just need a new copy. This one's all scratched to hell. hopefully this will work, no?


    wow. they never mentioned that in the tutorial i saw or in the website for the SDK. Meaning XML4. I've been using a trial version of XML Marker 2. This isn't enough?

  6. Thanks for that, however, I got all that from the tutorial and I hadn't been able to find the SDK for the SP1 and so used just the base Deluxe version. It still didn't show up and I couldn't get simconnect to work, either. Matter of fact, I had to download a "patch" in order to run the game after I reinstalled it because it set the game to ask for my activation code and I had lost the Code. So I'm trying not to get too fancy here, if you know what I mean. Problem is, I couldn't get the Simconnect.ini. It's supposed to be in the My Documents folder, but all that was there was the Logbook.bin.


    If you could point me in the right direction?

  7. Just created a route for FSX that's very scenic and meant for pilotable ships that goes from one of the Alaskan harbors in the Aleutians to Dutch Harbor. Now I know that this isn't Ship Simulator or anything like that, but I thought it would be something interesting, since I've never been there and love watching Deadliest Catch. So, what would people here think of a mission that required a ship to transport a helicopter from one of the harbors to Dutch and then have the pilot transferred to a helo? is that even possible?

    Keep in mind, as I don't have the SDK running or instant mission creator available due to lack of funds, this is something that is going to have to wait until that changes. In the mean time, I'd like some feed back. Is anyone even interested in stuff like that?


    Let me know. Thanks!

  8. It's published by a guy named Ron or Rob Jeffers, or something like that. I found it on page 26 of the FSX misc files on Simviation.com's free addons section. Check it out and tell me what you think. the last thing I need, after two days of trying to get my SDK up and running with no success, is to have to do any more reinstallations of FSX and SP1.

  9. I've noticed that the A380 from Wilco is a very sturdy aircraft. But its a bear to land sometimes. Funny thing is, I've been contemplating building a bigger aircraft when I get the hang of the model kit. Only problem with that is I have no idea how to write propper config files for any addons. If I were to make suggestions on the aircraft I was looking to create, is there anyone in the AVSIM community that would be interested in doing one, possibly with the stock 747 or feelthere\wilco A380 cockpit panels? I would appreciate any feedback.

  10. I've noticed that the A380 from Wilco is a very sturdy aircraft. But its a bear to land sometimes. Funny thing is, I've been contemplating building a bigger aircraft when I get the hang of the model kit. Only problem with that is I have no idea how to write propper config files for any addons. If I were to make suggestions on the aircraft I was looking to create, is there anyone in the AVSIM community that would be interested in doing one, possibly with the stock 747 or feelthere\wilco A380 cockpit panels? I would appreciate any feedback.

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