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Posts posted by xpHolmes

  1. Hello,


    I've had the NGX for quite awhile now and have had no problems. I recently installed fsx to windows 7, making the switch from windows 8! Anyway, after doing so whenever I adjust the cockpit light, even just slightly, the cockpit light associated with the control comes on full brightness. So the lights are even full on or full off! I've not seen anyone else mention this problem in the forum so I presume it's a problem with my system. I've tried reinstalling and haven't have any luck. Drivers are the latest from nvidia.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Best wishes,


    Martin Holmes



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Sorry about the 4 posts. I promise I only clicked once on tapatalk. PS the overhead panel lights work fine!



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  2. Hello,


    I've had the NGX for quite awhile now and have had no problems. I recently installed fsx to windows 7, making the switch from windows 8! Anyway, after doing so whenever I adjust the cockpit light, even just slightly, the cockpit light associated with the control comes on full brightness. So the lights are even full on or full off! I've not seen anyone else mention this problem in the forum so I presume it's a problem with my system. I've tried reinstalling and haven't have any luck. Drivers are the latest from nvidia.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Best wishes,


    Martin Holmes



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  3. Hello,


    I've had the NGX for quite awhile now and have had no problems. I recently installed fsx to windows 7, making the switch from windows 8! Anyway, after doing so whenever I adjust the cockpit light, even just slightly, the cockpit light associated with the control comes on full brightness. So the lights are even full on or full off! I've not seen anyone else mention this problem in the forum so I presume it's a problem with my system. I've tried reinstalling and haven't have any luck. Drivers are the latest from nvidia.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Best wishes,


    Martin Holmes



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  4. Hello,


    I've had the NGX for quite awhile now and have had no problems. I recently installed fsx to windows 7, making the switch from windows 8! Anyway, after doing so whenever I adjust the cockpit light, even just slightly, the cockpit light associated with the control comes on full brightness. So the lights are even full on or full off! I've not seen anyone else mention this problem in the forum so I presume it's a problem with my system. I've tried reinstalling and haven't have any luck. Drivers are the latest from nvidia.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Best wishes,


    Martin Holmes



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  5. Pretty much what it says in the the topic title! Although, I got into PMDG products after the time of the NGX release, it was great to listen to the old FSBreak podcasts recorded prior to and after the release of the NGX, just to hear (rather than read) the excitement across the community. It would have been great to have been able to share the excitement surrounding PMDG's latest release through the medium of the podcast! 


    Those guys did a great job!


    Hope you are all enjoying your 777 as much as I am!





  6. I don't disagree with the limitations of the product pointed out. I fly the NGX the most because I trust it to be an incredibly realistic simulation. Flightfactor are pushing the development of x plane addons to the next level and are bringing the same level of quality offered in the FSX market to x plane. They are the first to do it and I commend them for doing so well in such a short space of time. Anyway, my respect for both platforms will mean I will enjoy the very best products across the two platforms.



  7. It is an excellent product and if you are interested in the development of x plane as a platform it is an even more interesting product. Yes, the main issues are with the textures, but if you want a very good simulation of an airliner on this format (the very best available on x plane) then this is a good buy. All systems function beautifully, it is a joy to hand fly and the performance is very stable. It won't be as polished and as finished as what the PMDG 777 release will surely be.


    Best wishes,



  8. Hello,


    I've searched both the PMDG forum and the FS2Crew forum to see if anyone else has had this problem. Nothing has come yet but that's not to say that there isn't something already out there in the forums!


    I recognise that this is most likely to be a user-error, but could be related to something to do with an add-on, such as the FS2Crew Voice Command.


    The problem:


    Basically, on a number of occasions when on final approach, with both autopilots engaged and approach speed selected, at some point during the approach (est. 2000-1000ft) the autopilot speed dial suddenly starts rotating and selects a higher speed (it just keeps rotating up to a the highest selectable speed). I can't change this speed manually until a 30 seconds or so have passed. (Sorry this is imprecise and I hope to get some more detailed descriptions as I think this is happening at a specific stage/height of the approach). I'll do some more testing to see if there is a specific pattern to this situation occurring. I should note, that it doesn't happen on every approach.


    Anyway, I just wanted to see if anyone has experienced this or has any suggestions as to a solution.


    Best wishes,



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