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Posts posted by ryreaves

  1. I went ahead and tried to delete the FSX.CFG. It wouldn't delete when I clicked on it, so I just erased everything in it and saved it. It seemed to reset everything,but now I have an even worse problem. Within minutes into flight the graphics are broken if I try and save in flight or open any sort of menu. The entire screen flickers and there really isn't anything displayed. This used to happen occasionally before my hard drive died,but the FS booster fixed it. I tried to reapply the booster once again and it doesn't seem to be working to stop this problem. I'm still trying different settings,but if that doesn't work I'm at a complete loss on what to do. I've been checking the AMD Catalyst Control Center on my computer and all my drivers are once again up to date, so I really have no clue. Lastly, in that booster on the menu page it says: "GPU Configuration is needed." I have absolutely no clue how to do that for this computer. Do you have any idea what I need to do now? Could my screen resolution be a culprit? My screen is 27 inches and of course resetting the FSX.CFG put the resolution to default. Whats the best value for a screen this size? I have it set to 1920/1080,which I'm pretty sure thats what it was set to before. Lastly, I may as well mention my specs at  this point: Windows 7 64bit 2.93 GHZ I7 Quad Core Processor Radeon 5750 Graphic card 4GB Ram.


    I hate to make so many posts,but I think this problem is confined to the new Aerosoft A319( I added the memory fix to my CFG and that seemed to fix it from breaking, I hope) as it hasn't happened with my other aircraft. I am still investigating though. 

  2. I went ahead and tried to delete the FSX.CFG. It wouldn't delete when I clicked on it, so I just erased everything in it and saved it. It seemed to reset everything,but now I have an even worse problem. Within minutes into flight the graphics are broken if I try and save in flight or open any sort of menu. The entire screen flickers and there really isn't anything displayed. This used to happen occasionally before my hard drive died,but the FS booster fixed it. I tried to reapply the booster once again and it doesn't seem to be working to stop this problem. I'm still trying different settings,but if that doesn't work I'm at a complete loss on what to do. I've been checking the AMD Catalyst Control Center on my computer and all my drivers are once again up to date, so I really have no clue. Lastly, in that booster on the menu page it says: "GPU Configuration is needed." I have absolutely no clue how to do that for this computer. Do you have any idea what I need to do now? Could my screen resolution be a culprit? My screen is 27 inches and of course resetting the FSX.CFG put the resolution to default. Whats the best value for a screen this size? I have it set to 1920/1080,which I'm pretty sure thats what it was set to before. Lastly, I may as well mention my specs at  this point: Windows 7 64bit 2.93 GHZ I7 Quad Core Processor Radeon 5750 Graphic card 4GB Ram.

  3. Okay,


    I have something new to report on.  I do not know if this is a result of altering the booster program or just that I'm more patient. Anyways, FSX still does freeze during flight,but after maybe 10 mins or so it will unfreeze and continue like normal. Sometimes it will do this multiple times,but never to the point where its frozen for good. What exactly does this indicate? I can relay some of the settings in the booster program if that could help find a culprit to all this(if you feel that will help). 

  4. Ok, this is really strange. I just did two flights including a stop at the gate and no freeze up at all. When I closed  fsx and looked at my event viewer it shows there's an error with that kernel DLL. What exactly does this mean?  I did run one of the scans and none of my graphic card drivers are out of date. It does show two intel chipsets are though. Also, I should have noted I run FSX on bootcamp. I know to update those chipset drivers I wait for boot camp to come out with an update for that(the latest update for that was today) Maybe that explains why I did not freeze on these flights? Still perplexes me why I would see that kernel DLL. 

  5. Hi there,


    Thanks for the link. I used an older version of that booster before my hard drive crashed and never had any freeze problems. I did go into the booster program and change the settings then flew a fairly short flight and still froze near the end of it. The only new thing I am using is Active Sky Next. I did however use Active Sky Evolution. I do finally now see something faulting. It is the Kernelbase.dll and the strange thing about that is the error report for it is not when FSX froze up. This latest freeze occurred at  1:37am and the Error that mentions that DLL says  12:47 AM So it looks like something is faulting before I even encounter the freeze. . I do not see this DLL mentioned in the CTD guide. What exactly do I need to do to get rid of this? I will say that today I got notified that an update for my drivers came out so they're up to date and of course the problem is still present. 

  6. Hi all,


    I've dealt with freezing issues in FSX before and they all seemed to be resolved by putting that uiatuomationcore DLL into the FSX root folder. Anyways, I had to reinstall FSX due to a hard drive crash and now pretty much every single flight I do I will freeze up at some point. I've looked at event viewer and it does not show what exactly is faulty. Any idea what I should do? I am running FSX on windows 7 64 with UT2, Active Sky Next and the  2013 FPS booster. 

  7. Hi all, I've been flying this plane pretty much since it first came out with minimal problems. However, for some reason when I installed the Drzewiecki NYC airport pack it must have corrupted my hud file,since it is now blank. What is the exact way to fix this again? I've tried going into the dll.xml and erasing the entry then writing it back in. That however did nothing. What exactly do I need to write in that space to get this to work again?  Am I just better off reinstalling the 737? 

  8. It is happening at pretty much any airport. I do have some new 'developments' in this. Earlier today I did a flight with the 737 800 and it landed without any problems whatsoever. I also used the default fsx weather set to real world conditions. Just now I completed a flight with the 737 900(ASE for weather) and instead of bouncing into the air, it caused fsx to 'freeze' for a second then jump the simulation a little faster  or so before continuing the landing roll(hope that makes sense).  I also did a 737 900 flight with the FSX default weather and it did the same thing. Lastly, I haven't yet tried uninstalling FSUIPC. I guess I will fly the 800 again and see what happens. 

  9. it isn't the same issue in that post. I am not hitting any sort of invisible object when I land.  If I were to run ASE without hitting the start FSX button what do I do? Do I just open ASE let it load and then go and hit the FSX button? Also, I may reinstall the aircraft if the problem still occurs. 

  10. I ticked what I had clicked on FSUIPC  to off then resumed flying  before I made the initial  post here and I still encountered the problem. Would I need to create an entirely new flight and then go ahead and try it? Also, I'm using the default FSX weather set to real world conditions. I do have other weather programs but as far as I know I cannot run FSX as admin if I am opening it via say ASE(thats why I use the default) . The problem started after I added FSUIPC and did that one Q400 flight. The only wind settings I bothered to enable in the first place  were to suppress turbulence, smooth only when airborne and smooth wind changes near aircraft I didn't change anything else.   It seemed fine with those FSUIPC settings in FSX until I did that one flight,which makes no sense to me. Also, I just did a flight with the Wilco Erj 145 and it isn't behaving abnormally either(it like the airbus x extended landed perfectly). 

  11. I've flown both these aircraft for quite some time and have never experienced this problem before. Anyways, every single landing now in either of these aircraft causes the plane to bounce back up into the air. It's as if every one of my landings is a super hard landing but they are not. To test this I even floated the 737 down the runway on purpose and it still bounced right back up in the sky. The only thing I can say is I flew my Majestic Q400 right before this problem started,but I don't see how that could mess either of these aircraft up. I tried flying other aircraft such as the Airbus X and that plane isn't affected. Plus when I change between aircraft I chose the air creation, load it then exist FSX. The only noticeable change I added to FSX was a registered version of FSUIPC. The only settings I fiddled around with in that were the wind ones. I hope someone can help me pinpoint a solution to this as its quite annoying to see your planes act this way. 

  12. I know I can run FSX without the booster as admin,but if I do so running FSX yields less than desirable effects(saving a pmdg 737 flight or opening up any menu's like to look at flight progress etc  sometimes results in graphic corruption of that aircraft with flashing screens and other problems. It never happens when the booster is running).When I get a chance I will check on the save files for the 777 then report back here with the results As for the dll I mentioned FSUIPC is supposed to have a built in feature that stops that kind of error from occurring. That however is not the my priority for the moment as I'll likely  just buy the newest FSUIPC and see what that does(mine is quite old) http://www.eiresim.com/forum/index.php?topic=1073.0 That mentions the dll if you were curious about it. 

  13. I do not use the cold and dark for this aircraft. When I load it the engines are on and everything is ready to go for me to set the fms and so on  up for a flight. I have FSUIPC and it does auto save.They do not however usually work right and end up loading my aircraft after its already on the ground, or a completely different previous flight.  How do I disable that? Also, if I have FSUIPC why am I still getting g3 dll ctds(those are what mostly crash this aircraft and my brand new Carenado Beech 1900). Maybe I need a newer FSUIPC?I do not save the panel state for most of my 777 flights with that FMS feature. So do I need to still look at that? Also, how would I even run this as admin? I start FSX via the FPS booster program. 

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