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Posts posted by flomartin

  1. I have tried various, but for example in Paris Orly Runway 26, if you fly the RNAV Approach, you get not distance to Mapt in LNAV/VNAV as you should.


    And worse, in IAN, the distances go from digit to digit, for example 6,0 to 5,0 without showing 5,9 5,8 5,7...


    It's really bad when you want to check your glide path !!!!!


    I think I will open a ticket for this bug.

    In EKAH, same trouble, RWY 10R, no distance to Mapt in LNAV/VNAV and RNV approach...


    Really an annoying bug !

  2. Good day,


    I'm practicing the GNSS approach, and I noticed that if I perform a GNSS approach in LNAV/VNAV, I don't get the distance to the Mapt in the upper left side of the PDF.


    I do get it if I perform the same approach in IAN.


    By the way, in IAN approach, the distance is given with a single digit. Should not there be a double digit precision, like 6,3 NM ? Here I just get 6NM, sound a bit weird, I will double check in the real plane tomorrow.


    Thanks a lot for your assistance and congratulation for this great sim.


    If you could just update the FMC to version 11, it would be awesome :)





  3. Full names ? What do you mean by that exactly ? Sorry but I'm french and my english is far from being perfect :)


    About the FMC, that's sad to know, it would be nice to see this product updated.


    For now it's ok, but in the future if other upgrades are performed by Boeing, the FMC will seem quite outdated in the PDMG add-on...


    Anyway, thanks a lot for your answer.

    Florent Martin

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