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Posts posted by lol515

  1. I have a nvidia RTX 2080 ti and all settings either on high or ultra. Still the result is disappointing. Is this a problem on my PC or does someone else experience something like this? Graphics drivers are up to date!

    First example: Runway lights are more like white balls and are visible in same intensity all the time (even when much further away). You can also see the jaggy runway lines right and left of the aircrafts nose. And please look at that mountain front right (blurred textures af)


    Second pictuer: Beyond that ridiculous landscape (seems like Greenland wasn't prio 1) you can clearly see that the textures in the vicinty are quite fine but get pretty worse pretty soon.


    You can't really see it that good on the picture but in the sun reflection area (and left of it) everything seems like "picture noise"... Furthermore please note the very "pointy" green light front left of the aircraft (this happens even with position lights from other aircraft). 


    That on speaks for itself...


  2. 3 hours ago, ChaoticBeauty said:

    Mixed reviews on Steam so far, sadly there are lots of negative ones regarding the download client's issues and missing Premium Deluxe content, and many are making an excellent point. The launcher counts towards your Steam playtime, which means that you will not be able to refund the game after getting to try it, unless you have an insane connection speed.

    And I absolutely agree with them! Altough I am still downloading and pretty sure I won't refund, that is a pretty uncool move by Asobo/Microsoft to circumvent steams refund policy like this. Never seen something like this before, not even X-Plane does that.

  3. Good Afternon,


    I bought the NGX a few days ago after a long time using P3D only with the Aerosoft Airbus+Majestic Dash (without similar problems).

    I have been flying for 8 times till now and touched the ground only 5 times. The other ones ended with a CTD or something similar to CTD. 


    .) First time over the Mediterran Sea (airborne for about 3:45 hours) on the way from Munich to Hurghada. I changed the view from outside to VC -> CTD with a "P3D isn't working..." failed module: "menu.dll"

    .) Second time over the Atlantic (airborne for about 2:20 hours) on the way from GVAC to LPMA. I turned the dome light on, the blue circle next to the cursor twirled -> CTD without any error message and any error log. (Did a 3 hour NGX-flight bevor that flight [without problems] but closed P3D meanwhile)

    .) Third time flying over the Sahara desert (airborne for about 3:30 hours) on the way from DAAT to LFRS without doing anything -> P3D just closed without any message or indication. Even IVAP and ASN thougt that P3D is still runing wich wasn't the case. (Did a 3:30 hour NGX-flight [without problems] bevor that flight but closed P3D meanwhile)


    I am using ASN, IVAO (IVAP) and a few sceneries+Majestic Dash 8 (absolutely no problem with this addon)+Aerosoft Airbus (only problems with CTD's after directs, but thats defintely a FMGS.dll error and AS is aware of that).

    So does anybody have an idea why my NGX is that "annoying" or even solutions for this?


    Kind regards

    Felix Fischer


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