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Posts posted by Alenia1

  1. I've recently reinstalled the JF DC-8 in V4 to do some Pan Am routes in various aircraft. The only downside is that the Pan Am model included is a -30 series and I cannot for the life of me find any technical specs on the -30 series that gives its maximum landing weight.

    Does anyone happen to know the -30's MLAW?! I struggle to believe it was the same as the -20 since it had strengthened gear, but equally I wouldn't be sure if it had the same MLAW as the -50. I'm just not convinced by the limits stated in the included manual.

  2. Absolutely.


    Below the FMS you'll see a button that says "Format". Press this once and it will change the nav display to a zoomed out format and allow you to step through it by clicking through each waypoint in the FPL pages of the FMS.


    Just press the format button again to change it back to the standard nav display.

  3. Hi all,


    I've spent a fair amount of time looking for an Aurigny Air Services repaint for the FeelThere Embraer 190(195) and cannot find one.


    I do a fair amount of island hopping in and around the Channel and this would really be the icing on the cake if I were to find one!


    Any directions will be appreciated!


    Many thanks. B)

  4. Thank you for your advice Jim.


    Unfortunately, I'm not able to actually find any ORBX entries referring to TNCM in the directory. I'm beginning to wonder whether this is an issue with something other than the ORBX entries.


    How frustrating indeed.

  5. Hi all,


    I fired up P3D tonight to have a go at some circuits around St Maarten and found that the ground texture seems to be bleeding through the taxiway texture. I have tried the scenery library and changing settings to no avail. I have no addon scenery installed in this region, with the exception of FTX Global.


    See here:






    Since the search bar seems to have disappeared temporarily (one hopes), I was unable to see if this had been posted before.


    Regards to all.


  6. I hope that I don't come over the wrong way when I say that, rather than worrying about apparent missing manuals (I have not purchased the Archer, so I take your word for it), that you use the materials, i.e. checklists, flight parameters etc, that you will be given when you start your training.


    I am currently flying the Warrior III for real at the moment and generally use my checklists for the A2A Cherokee since it much the same procedure and helps me to memorise my checklists.


    As for you navigation, I would, to some extent, avoid any FSX-based (or similar) tutorials and use the advice/teachings of your instructor(s) and the study books that you will undoubtedly purchase for your course. As Eugene and TJ mentioned, bad habits can be picked up that can either be down-right wrong or sometimes dangerous in real-life practice. Again, on the same note as above, in the sim one tends to keep their heads in the cockpit since there is no real need for traffic deconfliction or "seat of your pants" feel for the aircraft, when turning for example. When you jump into the real thing you will have your eyes out of the cockpit "like a s***house rat" as my instructor likes to bluntly put it, so try to get some practice flying with the horizon and keeping your head away from the dials except for regular sweeping checks (you'll learn all this in due course).


    Flying for real was the single best decision I have made so far in life; I wish you all the best, it'll be a blast! B)

  7. I, like many others, would also like to express my gratitude for the legacy that Tom has created. AVSIM is a place where anyone from a FS Newbie to a seasoned pro can go to and spend some time away from the real world and bask in a community that really is unlike any other. Tom, thank you for creating such a diverse, colourful, addictive and sincerely wonderful community that will live on for years to come.


    I hope you're at peace now old chap. RIP.

  8. I've downloaded the 1.014 update, but I'm not certain how to apply it to my FSX installation.


    (1) Do I uninstall the current 1.013 version first, or do I simply execute the 1.014 update over my current FSX install?


    (2) Once I've updated, I believe that I could install to my Prepare3D that I have running on the same computer.  Is that so???


    (1) You can install 1.014 straight over your existing install, as is always the case with service packs thanks to MJC.


    (2) You can indeed.

  9. Your issue sounds awfully like the common issue of FSX's wind injection. Rather than gradually introduce, let's say a headwind of 20kts, FSX will immediately inject it causing your aircraft to have a wobbly and yourself a heart attack as you're sent careering into the ground!


    As Bert mentioned above, it would be worth you investing in a weather program that features weather smoothing. REX, OPUS and ActiveSky all spring to mind; have a nose around the forums and see which one you might prefer; opinions vary.

  10. Majestic are currently working on the "Pro" version of the Q400. If you weren't already aware it is going to be an additional cost to the current aircraft (although a discount will be available to 'Cadet' Version owners; this has been explicitly stated by MJC) and will feature full failure simulation and a fully functional HUD, as well as other more advanced features. It's looking as though this updated version shouldn't be too far around the corner, but I can't remember any exact press releases.


    Also, today Majestic announced (on Facebook as luck would have it!) that they are teaming up with CockpitSimParts to produce a full set of panels for home cockpit builders, which I must say, look fantastic.


    Now, if only they would consider a throttle quadrant and I think I may have to oblige! B)

  11. For a start, you should either have:-





    *This instructs FSX not to reserve any video memory which usually results in a lot of flashing textures etc.





    Poolsize=[insert number here]


    *This instructs FSX to reserve video memory and allows FSX to better manage texture loading, or so the theory goes.


    Try removing the BP=0 entry and seeing if it makes as Benneton above says.


    If all else fails, give this a read http://airdailyx.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/fsxcfg-tweak-review-bufferpools.html


    Best of luck. B)

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