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Posts posted by ecuflyer

  1. 3 minutes ago, yurei said:

    I have about 200 hours in the right seat of a re-purposed O-2. It is not only a workhouse, but a very pilot friendly workhorse.

    One of my favorites in the sim, too.

    I agree, I like that the wing does not block your view like other twins, that is relatively fast, good range and good payload. Also very easy to fly and does not have the issues related to asymmetric thrust that all other twins have. I just wish the sim model would be a little better in terms of the avionics, they are not that well simulated. thank god for reality-xp which is a winner....

    • Like 1
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  2. 1 minute ago, HighBypass said:

    I look forward to watching the rest of your video -( nearly 2 hours 😄 ) Liked and subbed over on Youtube.

    I have Carenado's FSX version of the Skymaster in my virtual hangar. Ever since I saw an Airfix kit of the O-2 I have liked the look of the 337. 😎

    Thanks a lot, I love the airplane, I was very fortunate to fly it for real when I was younger and starting my professional pilot career and I loved it every minute. I only see positives on that airplane. If I could afford a multiengine, I think that would be it, for sure... 

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  3. 21 hours ago, edpatino said:

    Hi Cristian:

    I recently purchased the SierraSim's rendition of Guayaquil International (Jose Joaquin Olmedo). Glad to see you're offering us route and flight experience to/from that airport. I also have SEQM from FlightBeam, the new Quito International. Flying in Ecuador is quite interesting for having a beautiful and intricate scenery.

    Thanks for posting.

    Cheers, Ed


    Hi Ed, I am glad you are enjoying flying over my beautiful country, it is very challenging due to geography and weather but extremely rewarding due to the magnificent scenery. I did not know about the Guayaquil scenery, will take a look. and the Quito scenery, yeah I have that one and is pretty good. I am busy doing the video about the flight crossing the Andes, it is really a beautiful flight... stay tuned.  



  4. Amigos, me permito presentarme, soy capitán de B777, volando por todo el mundo y quiero presentarles mi canal YouTube donde estaré subiendo vídeos relacionados exclusivamente al simulador de vuelo, tengo algunos vídeos de hace ya varios años, pero ahora estoy reactivando mi canal y tengo varias ideas de vídeos que iré subiendo en el futuro, por el momento, empiezo con un vídeo sobre la planificación y ejecución en el simulador de la recreación de una ruta que volaba hace varios años atrás, cuando empezaba mi carrera como piloto profesional...  
    por otro lado también tengo mucha información en mi blog, que igualmente lo estoy reactivando, espero les guste, saludos:




    • Like 2

  5. GNS 430 on Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza V35B.

    Another old one that I like a lot and again still works well in Xplane 11.4


    ; display window if true.
    visible = true 
    ; show screen only gauge if true.
    nobezel = true 
    ; display type: WINDOW,PANEL2D,PANEL3D,PANELS
    frame.type = PANEL3D
    ; display position and dimension (left,top,width,height)
    frame.rect = 235,590,430,232
    ; screen only border size (pixels).
    border.size = 0
    ; screen only border color (#RGB or #RGBA).
    border.rgba = #000000
    ; enable mouse clickspots if true, disable if false (use SHIFT to override)
    usemouse = true 
    ; left mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true.
    popleft = false
    ; right mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires XP11.1).
    popright = true 


    • Like 1

  6. GNS 430 on Carenado Cessna C337H Super Skymaster

    a old one, but one of my favorites and still works well in Xplane 11.4


    ; display window if true.
    visible = true 
    ; show screen only gauge if true.
    nobezel = true 
    ; display type: WINDOW,PANEL2D,PANEL3D,PANELS
    frame.type = PANEL3D
    ; display position and dimension (left,top,width,height)
    frame.rect = 494,680,428,236
    ; screen only border size (pixels).
    border.size = 0
    ; screen only border color (#RGB or #RGBA).
    border.rgba = #000000
    ; enable mouse clickspots if true, disable if false (use SHIFT to override)
    usemouse = true 
    ; left mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true.
    popleft = false
    ; right mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires XP11.1).
    popright = true 


    • Like 1

  7. Well, there is no "L ENG PRSOV VALVE" message as such, The only one I can find is the "BLEED PRSOV L" status message. If that is the case then that message is there as any other status messages, mostly for maintenance action and to indicate that if the failure is not corrected, then before the airplane next flight, it has to be dispatched under the provisions of the MEL (minimum equipment list). It does no affect the flight crew or its operation, so technically as a pilot you don't have any action to do about it, or you don't expect any significant difference in operation related to that failure. If the case would be like a reverser would be inoperative because of that particular failure, then it would have had an associated EICAS caution or advisory message, which is not the case; so in short, no, you would not expect any engine reverser problem, they should work normally.


    On the other hand the "BLEED OFF ENG L" it is an Advisory message and as such it is designed to alert the flight crew about some condition that may affect the operation of the flight, in this case this advisory message does not have any checklist actions associated with it, so it just to alert the flight crew about this particular situation, in this case that there is no bleed air coming from the left side. based on this, there is no action required, but there is something you as a pilot need to keep in mind and play a bit of "what if" scenarios involving possible decision making if you have a second failure...


    Now if you want to get a little bit deeper about this failures while in flight, in the case of the "BLEED OFF ENG L" advisory message you may want to pull off the associated checklist, even although there is no actions associated, there is still an associated checklist that will tell you a bit more information about this, so you go ahead and select "CHKL", then select "NON NORMAL", then the very first subtopic on the left that says "BLEED OFF"... among other things i don't remember and finally you select "BLEED OFF ENG L". it will tell you this "the engine bleed valve is closed because of a system fault or the engine bleed switch is OFF". You know the bleed switch is not OFF so now you know that the engine bleed valve is closed because of a system fault and now you even now know what fault it that... it is the BLEED PRSOV valve failure.


    Finally if you are curious and have some time you go next to the MEL and search for "BLEED PRSOV L" and you will learn that it is a status message, you already knew this and the applicable MEL is 36-11-01. You search 36-11-01 and you will learn a lot more about this failure. too long to list about its effects here, but i does not mention anything about the reverse being inoperative. You may have an 'ENG IDLE DISAGREE' message during descent but again that one will have no major effect on your operation.


    Hope that helps...



  8. there is no such a thing as a "legal minimum landing fuel". At the planning stage you have to follow several rules that defines the minimum fuel you need to have in order to execute the flight legally, however once airborne there are no more restrictions, however of course you need always to monitor your fuel consumption and take appropriate action if required.


    Having said that, it is generally a good idea to plan to land with at least your minimum fuel reserve, which in the B-777-200LR and -F is around 3.0 to 3.5 tones.

  9. Real life in this airplane is having enough power to climb fully loaded (MTOW) to FL300 in just 18 minutes, light load, like about 200 T takeoff weight and it will climb to FL390 in 14 minutes. That is it. Just follow flight director commands and do not get distracted by how much you are climbing as that is not of concern. The passengers or the crew can not feel if we are climbing 2000 or 5000 feet per minute.


    Climb is done at either CLB, CLB-1 or CLB-2 according to your weight and do not need to reduce that thrust setting, if you see the speed increasing you need to pull the nose up a littel bit more or simply follow flight director commands... That's is it.

  10. I believe you are confusing design maneuver speed (Va) with flap maneuver speeds. The green bugs are flap maneuver speeds and not design maneuver speed...


    The flap maneuver speed is the recommended operating speed.

  11. Waypoint names are limited to 5 characters, this is not a waypoint name, it is one of the many lat/long formats accepted by the FMC...


    The waypoint names are not limited to 5 characters by Boeing or by the FMC, it is an international standard set by the ICAO...

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