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Posts posted by gehud

  1. Hello,

    I have the following issue with chaseplane:

    The static section is not working and this text is displayed:

    „No airport in Range“

    „Not supported“

    „Your simulator version does not support static cameras at this time.“

    I have ticked on: Experimental Version and Show all Static Cameras.

    When starting chasplane I get this message: Error while activating advanced features.

    The report file is attached.


    I use FSX SP1+2, win10 64bit.


    Regards Gerhard

    --------------- ChasePlane Report by gerhard.huder@ilo.de on 8/26/2017 9:03:40 AM UTC ---------------
    Version:                  0.3.120
    PLV:                      0.3.120
    OS:                       Microsoft Windows 10 Home
    .NET:                     4.6 RC or later
    Running Sim:              fsx 10.0.61472.0 Supported
    Current aircraft:         No aircraft
    Current aircraft cfg:     No aircraft CFG

    --------------- Installed Simulators ---------------
    FSX "E:\fsx"

    --------------- Preferences ---------------
    experimental_version = True
    ui_refresh_ms = 500
    ui_anim_duration = 0.4
    ui_static_show_all = True
    view_sel_anim_in_ms = 0.2
    view_sel_anim_out_ms = 0.1
    view_sel_delay = 300
    minimize_taskbar = True
    x_to_minimize = False
    turb_pause_ms = 1
    always_on_top = False
    debug_show = False
    vas_show = True
    vas_warning = True
    vas_remaining = True
    vas_warning_treshold = 400
    turb_wind_amplitude = 1
    startup_glob_enable = True
    app_auto_launch = True
    mouse_middle_view_switcher = True
    mouse_disable_on_gauges = True
    mouse_unhooked = False
    mouse_right_cam_look = False
    mouse_right_cam_zoom = False
    mouse_middle_cam_look = True
    mouse_middle_cam_zoom = False
    mouse_middle_pan_hide = True
    pause_turbs_on_mousemove = False
    pause_turbs_on_mousescroll = True
    pause_turbs_in_slew = True
    doors_enabled = False
    mode_cinematic_ctrl_speed = 1
    mode_cinematic_ctrl_inertia = 3
    mode_cinematic_duration = 30
    mode_cinematic_distance = 1
    mode_cinematic_delay = 10
    mode_cinematic_vas_protection = True
    mode_cinematic_zoom = 0
    boostFactor = 5
    hdr_override = False
    hdr_1_brightness = 1
    hdr_1_bloom = 1
    hdr_1_saturation = 1
    hdr_2_brightness = 1
    hdr_2_bloom = 1
    hdr_2_saturation = 1
    hdr_3_brightness = 1
    hdr_3_bloom = 1
    hdr_3_saturation = 1
    binoculars = 30
    joystick_default_dead_zone = 100
    user_statistics = True
    auto_send_logs = True
    auto_cpu_afinity = False
    cpu_afinity = 1111
    show_whats_new = True
    enable_advanced = True
    enable_trackir = False
    trackir_reset = False
    translucent_window = False
    invert_x_trackAircraft = False
    invert_y_trackAircraft = False
    user_defaults =
    aircraft_substitute =
    recorder_max_s = 480
    recorder_loop = False
    recorder_playback_start_s = 60
    inputs_disabled = False
    static_move_fast_alt = True
    drop_object_1 = Flour_bomb
    drop_object_2 = Propane_Tank_sm
    drop_object_3 = Discovery Spaceshuttle
    control_assignments_preferences =
    control_assignments_presets = {"1185546":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":9}},"672118":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":13}},"1180367":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":8}},"1180368":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":2}},"1180369":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":10}},"1180370":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":11}},"1180558":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":3}},"1185569":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":13}},"1185575":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":12}},"1185595":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":12}},"1185602":{"JoystickButton":{"JoystickGUID":"eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000","Pointer":12}}}

    --------------- Cameras.cfg file for FSX ---------------
    CFG created on 7/25/2017 6:10:08 PM UTC
    CFG modified on 8/25/2017 4:41:38 PM UTC















    --------------- PRESET ASSIGNMENTS ---------------

    --------------- CONTROL ASSIGNMENTS ---------------

    --------------- END OF REPORT ---------------

    --------------- CONSOLE OUTPUT ---------------
    App Started
    v0.3.120 Beta
    Couldn't get remote UriHandler object.
    FSX is installed in E:\fsx
    Will load Google Analytics Assembly
    Will load Newtonsoft Assembly
    Will load Mouse Hook Assembly
    Will load SlimDX Assembly
    Will load SimConnect Assembly
    Assemblies loaded
    Launching Splash Window
    Launching Main Window
    Loading Splash Animation
    Start Splash Animation
    Is Beta: True
    Splash Fade In
    Login success!
    Setting Window Position
    Window Position Set to 179, 87
    Getting Janet
    Janet Aquired
    Start Timer main_stopwatch
    Starting the Bridge server
    Bridge server started
    Starting Bridge
    Bridge Started
    Getting last launch
    Request sent to server for cam presets
    Request sent to server for aircraft presets
    Getting Preferences from local
    Sleep Mode True
    Autolaunch Uninstall for FSX: success
    Initializing Keyboard
    Keyboard Initialized
    Starting Timer
    Started Timer
    Response received from server for aircraft presets
    Checking Cameras.cfg file for sim: FSX in C:\Users\Huder\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\
    Mouse Hooked
    Generating Joystick list
    Checking TrackIR directory
    No registry for TrackIR
    Response received from server for cam presets
    Creating User List
    Adding: eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000 Name: Saitek X52 Flight Control System
    Trying to create Thread for: eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000 Name: Saitek X52 Flight Control System
    Trying to start Thread for: eac28140-75dc-11e7-8001-444553540000 Name: Saitek X52 Flight Control System
    Creating Presets List
    Removing Orphans
    Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
    Getting Running Simulator
    0-3-120 - Usage / -Last Launch- / 0
    Active Sim is : FSX

    Attempting to connect to FSX's SimConnect
    Setup SimConnect Definitions and Events
    Initializing Recording Session
    Recording Session Initialized
    SimConnect Connected
    Sending proc data to Bridge
    UI Connected to FSX
    SimConnect Exception received: 1
    SimConnect Exception received: 1
    SimConnect Exception received: 1
    --- Simulation Running
    WideViewAspect = True
    --- Simulation Unpaused
    Start Timer Record

    --------------- BRIDGE CONSOLE OUTPUT ---------------
    Connecting to the Bridge server
    Connected to the Bridge server as client
    Bridge received message: setProc-32,fsx,10.0.61472.0
    CP Dir: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\OldProp Solutions Inc\\ChasePlane\\
    Trying to acquire process
    1 processes found
    Has exited: False
    Acquired process
    Bridge received message: isSupported-fsx-10.0.61472.0-cb;15804031
    Bridge received message: setupPointers-cb;16049848
    Found fsx version 10.0.61472.0
    onboardZoom found with variable 0,71875(4bytes)
    outsideZoom found with variable 0,703125(4bytes)
    staticZoom found with variable 0,4000333(4bytes)
    staticLAT found with variable 1,03647939311554(8bytes)
    staticLON found with variable -2,36232402156032(8bytes)
    staticALT found with variable 1730,47496(8bytes)
    staticPITCH found with variable 0(4bytes)
    staticBANK found with variable 0(4bytes)
    staticPAN found with variable 0(4bytes)
    mode found with variable 1(4bytes)
    terrain_elev found with variable 0(0bytes)
    Exhausted options for terrain_elev in fsx v10.0.61472.0 (164064)
    Bridge received message: isSupported-fsx-10.0.61472.0-cb;16714221

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