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Posts posted by millsgf

  1. On 3/26/2021 at 1:44 PM, charliearon said:

    If the pissing contest does not stop......then the future of this topic is in doubt! :ph34r:

    I'm glad you're watching this thread.  But do us a favor and get rid of the annoying posters and keep the topic as it is relevant to a lot of us.  As for the comment on including the age of posters, it's a good thought but not fool proof.  We also know age doesn't always determine maturity.  Let's face it, there will always be someone who wants to push their own personal opinion on the community.  Want proof?  Ask what security and/or anti-virus programs people use.  McAfee sucks, Norton sucks, use AVG...it never ends.  Thanks, Charlie.

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  2. Just one guy's opinion, but the future of FSX is whatever you want it to be.  I have years invested in FSX, not in terms of dollars but in terms of hours spent enjoying a hobby and knowledge gained about how everything worked.  I'm certainly no expert, but I learned how to do things like manually create and flight plans as well as how to edit the aircraft.cfg to make tires look right on surfaces as examples.  

    I attribute what I've learned to the many pioneers of the flight sim community.  I read, I searched and research, and I learned by trial and error but not without the help of so many of flight sim forums.  Their contributions have been invaluable and there's not enough thanks to them.  Many are still active on several forums.  When I see an op ask where they can find something or how to make a configuration change, my first instinct is to advise them to search for themselves.  Not to be mean or insensitive, but to encourage them to look for themselves and maybe learn something else in the process.  I think many of us learned that way and I'm happy I did.

    Sorry, off my soapbox now.  I've been simming since 1985 with SubLogic's Flight Simulator and have gone through every version of MSFS and even used ATP back in the day.  I'm retired now and use my FS hobby as a way to keep my mind sharp.  One man's dandelion is another man's yellow rose so only you can determine your future with FSX.  Happy flying, my friend.


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  3. I have both FSX Acceleration and FSX:SE installed and am in the processing of migrating my favorite things over.  The only issue I'm having is trying to remember what I did to FSX:A to get certain effects.  For example, I added or tweaked something in FSX:A to make my runways and taxiway lights more realistic.  In FSX:SE, I still have the blurry lights.  So it's not a problem with FSX, it's my own memory I'm running out of.  Speaking of memory, the main reason I am moving over to FSX:SE is because my FSX:A is locking up on about 75% of my flights.  I've tried some of the tweaks offered here but none have resolved the problem.  I'm very grateful to everyone out there who has taken the time to analyze our problems and come up with solutions.  Thank you.

    Edited:  My profile says New Member and I've posted four times.  I've been simming since Sublogic's Commodore 64 software.  I even did a stint with ATP in the early 90s.  I've always researched to find solutions which is why I'm grateful.

  4. Need?  Young, smart, creative minds and people to fill some big shoes.  I'd like to see a slew of new talent come on to the flight sim scene.  The pioneers of the flight sim and add-on community answered the call and created some of the most innovative and useful items, making our hobby better and keeping it as real as possible.  It appears we will have what we have for some time, so how can we continue to create add-ons that carry on the tradition?  New ideas and most importantly, new talent that can take our hobby to the next level.  


    I often see questions that could be answered with a little effort, like, "Is there a freeware _____? (fill in the blank)," or "What is the best GA aircraft?"  "Best" is such a subjective word because best to you and me are different.  Besides, looking for items yourself lets you see the tens of thousands add-ons already out there.  The people in this forum are fantastic and have provided so much help and assistance over the years.  What I'm hoping for are people who wish to step in as the "experienced" ones fly off into their retirement years.  Searching, playing, and tweaking are the ways I've learned what I need to know to make my hobby enjoyable and keep it relevant.  


    This is certainly not a slam on anyone.  Thank you to those before us for making remarkable add-ons, to those who have spent countless hours learning the SDK and how to tweak for max performance, to those who have answered the silly questions many of us have had, and to those stepping up to take over.  We have more accurate airports thanks to the efforts of Ray, Craig, and many others.  We have sim activity on the waterways thanks to the genius of Henrik.  And we have many users simming better because Zippy was there to help out on a level I could understand.  


    Happy New Year to everyone, and happy flying.

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