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Posts posted by Happywarrior

  1. I'm pretty new to this whole DIY airport thing and have encountered a few obstacles so far. Firstly, I have used SBuilderX to get photoscenery and the imagery contains white tiles that state no photo data in the ocean area. I was wondering how to exclude these tiles from compiling the overall scenery as at the moment there is a patchy white area in the sea. Secondly, I was wondering if it was possible to alter/remodel the terrain to make rocky outcrops as per satellite imagery, and if so how?


  2. Hi all,


    I am currently experiencing flickering on light poles, runway lines and close trees to these objects at all airports. I am not using dx10 and have struggled to find a solution. I have also used tabs/Ryan's nVidia inspector guide which has helped everything but the flickering of these textures, as well as tweaked my cfg. I am currently using orbx Tasmania demo and Brisbane freeware as my testing regions.


    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


    My Specs:

    i7 4690k

    8gb Ram

    2gb nVidia gtx 760

  3. Hi all, 

    I am posting with an issue that has frustrated me for the last 4 hours. FSX Gold will not install properly. I inserted disc 1 and 2 they did there thing, then it checks computer memory and after that all windows close, I get no accept terms window or product key window. What should I do???


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