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Posts posted by tomarduini

  1. I'm having a weird problem with MCE radio tuning.  I'm using PF3 and flying VFR with the A2A Comanche.  I have only the ATC option enabled in MCE.  When on the ground, I tune the radio to the clearance frequency and request VFR clearance.  I receive the clearance, read it back, and get a "Readback Correct" from PF3.  When I then try to change to the Unicom frequency, MCE automatically tunes my comm 1 radio back to the clearance frequency.  I've unchecked the option to allow the FO to handle radios, but that didn't help.  I thought I could just disregard the Unicom frequency, and dial departure after takeoff, but it did the same thing.  As soon as I changed the frequency, MCE changed it back to clearance.  I also looked in the ini file to see if there was an option I could set, but didn't find anything.

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