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Posts posted by bpede03

  1. Yes they appear to have a different sound set completely. The fixed gear model, B, is much more throaty sounding. In the cabin and exterior. It doesnt get that high pitched sound when revved up like the RG model. Exterior view of throttling up the engines is much much different, much lower tone. The fixed gear variant has that high pitch whine when the throttles are up. 

  2. I dont own the 172 so I cant comment on them being similar. It sounds good. Flies nice. But I have no idea how to actually fly it. I pretty much stick to the tube liners. Any tutorials out there on ho to actually fly one of these in fsx?

  3. I purchased this plane, my first from alabeo. Can anyone give me pointers on it? Does it have any sort of autopilot? Or is it only a by hand flier? I can load a flight plan into the gps, but can you engage any autopilot to follow that heading? I don't fly much GA, but thought id give this a try. Thanks. 

  4. March Madness!


    I think the fact that it is still completely missing in action is partly why it might die down a bit. If something is found it'll pick back up with a roar. But some people cant believe you can just "lose" an airliner, as the media likes to say. The world is huge, oceans are massive...if it is never found, I will believe it. But there are folks who just cant comprehend it and need an explanation for the unexplainable. 




    Anything that would demonstrate a connection to the deviation.  It would be tough to ignore.



    Yea I suppose. If they could tell he specifically practiced this route with specific deviations, that would be quite the red flag. Until proven otherwise, I don't buy it that the pilot did this. Time will tell. 

  6. I'm really tired of the news and all the "flight simulator" talk. When they say that, everyone assumes he had this in his house. 





    People get that image in their head, of a sophisticated flight simulator, when in reality, its just a computer like so many others have in their homes, with a "video game" as many would actually call it, designed to simulate flight. My friends were talking about this, and said isnt that weird that he had a flight simulator in his house? When I told him that what the pilot had is exactly what I have in my house, FSX, with multiple monitors, and a joystick/flight yoke, they better understood it. And were much less impressed by the idea. But the media has no information and seem to be grasping to find the answer with the limited clues that exist. 


    What files could they find that would give investigators much information? I mean I have some flight plans stored in the T7's FMC. But if I just took off and flew around, they wouldn't be able to get much information from the sim I doubt. I delete lots of company routes I save out of the sim every once in a while to clean things up. 

  7. Do we have the fix for you!!


    This is a Microsoft issue, as a result of their constant barrage of "You should install this update" messages.


    Open up your Windows Update history and look for KB2670838, and uninstall it. Done.



    I've been in DX10 for a couple of weeks now, and all the sudden this week I have been having CTD errors during flights. Seemed to happen about an hour or so into a flight. I checked event viewer and am having the exact same error info as original poster. 


    Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14
    Faulting module name: d3d11.dll, version: 6.2.9200.16570, time stamp: 0x5153774d
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000a4906
    Faulting process id: 0x4590
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf1e0c55020536
    Faulting application path: X:\Games\FSX\fsx.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll
    Report Id: 92813b00-8a08-11e3-abbc-902b34d69e75
    I have followed Paul's suggestion to uninstall KB2670838 and will report back if that solves my issue as well. 

  8. I agree that some of the texture sets in OD weren't realistic. There were to many sets for extravagant sunsets/sunrises. These sets do seem to be much more realistic. I love the new runway/taxi way textures. approaching a concrete runway at default airports from the cockpit view now has some feel of landing at a payware airport. 


    I have my water settings at Low 2.x in this video. There are some ocean colors that are way to intensely blue for my liking. I've stuck with the sets that indicate "dark" in the description. There are a few different color textures in this video, and a few different wave animations, using water settings of low 2.x


  9. It loads textures really fast. Looks nice. It does look better than rex essentials + OD. Runway/taxiway textures look pretty good at default airports now. I don't feel like I'd be missing a whole lot by staying on OD. But yes, it does look better than OD, seems to be more cloud combos and sky color settings to play with. Water textures have improved in my opinion. 


    I set up a wintry type of theme and thats the only one i've tried so far. I noticed a big difference on my first flight with 4. 


    Currently using ASN, Rex 4, and sweetFX

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