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Posts posted by jimstiles

  1. Hello,


    I'm new to the PMDG family of users just learning the 737NGX. I have been reading the manuals and tutorials and watching a lot of you tube videos. I noticed that several of the videos, especially of the cockpit view are very fluid in movement, moving and zooming in and out on the various guages and instruments. Mine doesn't look very realistic using the normal keyboard keys or the hat switch.


    Is there camera view software available that can do this without impacting my fps?




  2. Hello,


    I'm looking to contact someone experienced in doing PMDG 737ngx repaints. I'm wanting a private 737-900 from PMDG. I've found some online that look nice but kind of plain.


    If there is someone on here that can do them please contact me and I'll give you more of an idea what I'm looking for and then you can give me a quote.





  3. Hello all,


    Having the same issues here, looking for some help also. I have three monitors set up with one nVidia card. I can use the three monitors with FSX-SE by using the windows mode and opening a separate window and dragging it to one of the side monitors ok but is just doesn't line up or look as good as expanding the view into one wide one plus I take a hit to my fps when opening too many windows.  I also have the fsx.cfg file entry set to "True" but that gives the side views a stretched look. I'm not a tech person but hoping to find some suggestions I can try.

  4. Hello,


    Can one of the admins or someone give me a link to the proper forum to keep up with any reviews users may post regarding running FSX after upgrading to the new Windows 10?  I'm not sure if this is the proper forum to watch for them or not. Since Windows 10 has launched this morning, I'm anxious to read others reviews before I decide to update my desktop which I primarily use just for my FSX and a couple of other games. I am upgrading one of my laptops this morning to check the system out but am hesitant to update the desktop, sure don't want to mess up my FSX.






  5. Thanks Charliearon,


    I thought that was it but I could have sworn those digits didn't move last night when I was trying to practice flying it but they seem to work now, guess it was just old age setting in.


    Thanks again,




    P.S.  Is there any better guage packages for the default Lear either freeware or payware that are better than what came with FSX?  Or a better Lear all together?

  6. Hello, I have just recently started flying the default Learjet in FSX and have run into a probably simple problem maybe someone can point me in the right direction. When setting the ILS course using the selector, I haven'the been able to locate the readout showing what I am setting it to. The mouse over label doesn'the show the setting as the do for speed and heading settings.


    If I've posted this to the wrong place please let me know and I'll be happy to move it.





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