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Posts posted by stevecurran13

  1. So I tested again - same flight, same conditions, same everything. Except this time I didn't run Aivlasoft EFB.


    No crash...not even a stutter.


    I have no idea why it was crashing when EFB was running, but it looks like that was most certainly the cause. It's a shame too, I really like the product.


    I'd be interested to see if people running this same config (Windows 10, Orbx FTX software, Majestic Dash 8, etc.) with the EFB and on the same route (EICK - EGJB) run into similar issues. If anyone wants to, feel free and post the results here.


    Thanks Jim for your responses too, and in my other thread with the BSOD. Much appreciated! :)




  2. Anyone have this issue and with these drivers? My first BSOD with Windows 10... :(


    Been having so many issues with Prepar3D crashing lately with no events recorded in the Event Viewer or AppCrashView, and now this. I'm certain this is due to the updated graphics driver (updated it yesterday), but still...very frustrating when you can't complete a single flight.



  3. See the AVSIM CTD Guide. Download and run AppCrashView. It shows every crash that occurred since you first installed Windows. The Event Viewer has to be read properly. The AVSIM CTD Guide tells you how to read the Event Viewer properly. All events are recorded, good or bad. You do not want to look in the Application log or Windows log in the Event Viewer. What happens if your video card caused the event? That information would not be located in the Application Log. The AVSIM CTD Guide provides you the location where ALL events are located in the same location.


    Moving your p3d.cfg to a temp folder and then restarting p3d and letting the config rebuild fixes many problems as many people put tweaks in their config that just do not work or they were employed improperly.


    The AVSIM CTD Guide, near the end shows probable causes and possible fixes for unknown crashes too.


    Best regards,


    Hi Jim,


    Thanks for the response and suggestions. I am familiar with how to check the event viewer and other logs though, and trust me - there is nothing recorded there for the crash. Nothing showing either in AppCrashView. It's almost as if P3D has gracefully shut down.


    I have also gone to Lockheed Martin directly with this to see if there are P3D logs I can pull that might log what the sim was doing up until the crash.


    I don't have any tweaks in the p3d.cfg file either, so that rules that out.


    This is what AppCrashView reports:


    SetPoint.exe Stopped working 30/08/2015 15:50:05 All Users 0xc0000005 0x008405c4 nvd3dumx.dll C:\Program Files\Logitech\SetPointP\SetPoint.exe 16,958 C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_SetPoint.exe_ecb76bf81183fd93c1722496a10d7f6204f36_1c6b7f74_cab_03869aad\Report.wer
    However, P3D crashed at about 16:15.
    I'll try running it tomorrow without Aivlasoft EFB and see if that makes a difference. Although I just remembered that I recently installed ORBX Trees HD too. Not sure if that is at fault. Will have to test more.
    I did also record the last portion of the flight with nVidia Shadowplay, which would have captured the crash. Might upload it to YouTube so people know what I'm talking about the 'graceful' crash.

  4. Hi all,

    Have run into a peculiar issue. It has occurred during the last two flights I have attempted - one at night and one during the day.

    My setup is as follows:

    Core i7 4790k
    EVGA GTX 780 SC
    8GB RAM
    Samsung 850 EVO SSD
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    My Prepar3D setup is as follows:

    Prepar3D v2.5
    PILOTs FS GLOBAL 2010 FTX Edition
    Orbx Global Base
    Orbx Global Vector
    Orbx OpenLC EU
    REX4 Texture Direct
    ActiveSky Next
    Traffic 360
    Aivlasoft EFB

    The aircraft I was using - Majestic Dash 8 Q400.

    What happens is this: about 75% way into the flight, Prepar3D just dies. No freezing before it crashes like I had before, no error message reported when it is about to quit, it just disappears from the screen. No events are recorded in the Windows Event Viewer application or windows logs either. Very frustrating this time as I was on approach! The flights both times out of interest were from Cork EICK to Guernsey EGJB.

    I did recently install Aivlasoft EFB, not sure if it could be causing the issue with the way it interacts with P3D.

    Are there any logs in the P3D folder that I can grab to take a look at? Or has anyone else had this issue?

    Any help would be appreciated. Getting frustrated at not being able to complete a single flight without a crash and for no apparent reason.


  5. Ok, so it didn't work after the install. But the fix was simple. All I had to do was edit the following file:


    C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\simobjects.cfg


    Add the following line to the end of the file:


    Et voila! :)
    Hope this helps people in the future.

  6. Hi,


    Has anyone tried installing Traffic 360 into P3D 2.5?


    On their site it says it's compatible with FSX and P3D v1, but no mention of v2. Does anything need to be added to the .cfg file to get it running or any other changes need to be made?




  7. Have been following this thread and wanted to add my 2 cents.


    Tested this last night. Config as follows:


    i7 4790k


    8GM RAM


    HT enabled - no AM


    Prepar3d 2.5

    Active Sky Next

    FS Global 2010 FTX Edition

    FTX Global

    FTX Global Vector

    FTX GLobal OpenLC Europe

    REX4 Texture Direct


    Majestic Dash 8 Q400


    FPS locked at 30


    Sitting on the runway at EICK






    21-23fps, not stable


    Seems to benefit the Majestic Q400 less/not at all going by others. PMDG NGX and T7 benefit the most.




  8. Ok, so I have taken the plunge and bought the Carenado CT182T. It looks absolutely superb - the 4k resolution textures are fantastic on a 2560x1440 display and it really looks rather substantial sitting on the runway with the exhaust rattling compared to a standard 172.


    FPS has taken quite a large hit though, sometimes as high as 30%!! I loaded up default Heathrow and chose the Fair weather preset. I can easily manage 30fps locked with stormy weather here in the Majestic Q400. However, in the 182 I was getting around 25-26 in the air and if I looked out the side window it would plummet to about 20-21fps. Not really acceptable in my opinion (especially seeing as I'm running a GTX 780 and an i7 4790k in P3D) but I won't be flying much around EGLL to be honest - so this is almost a worst case scenario.


    Hopefully the fps doesn't drop too much more when I start adding FTX Global, ASN and REX Texture Direct, etc.


    Just some insight into performance anyway.

  9. Works fine on my P3D v2.4. One of the issue of this addon is the G1000 which is often, depending on your setup and hardware, FPS consuming*.


    * same with Carenado Cirrus.


    I'm running a GTX 780 and i7 4790k @ stock speeds on a 2560x1440 monitor. With stormy/rainy weather at default Heathrow and the Majestic Q400, I manage a rock solid 30fps. Do you think it would be any more of an fps hit than the Q400?


    You may be after a G1000 equipped T182, but if you can live with a sixpack (and no turbo) I'd wait for this ;-)




    Yeah, to be honest it looks amazing but the G1000 is drawing me in! :) Will you be able to select the G1000/turbo varient as an option or future update do you think?


    I've just heard of issues with people running some aircraft in P3D that are supposedly designed to work in it, so said I'd double check first.


    The interactive checklists are also an awesome feature in the Carenado version.



  10. Hi All,


    Thinking about purchasing Carenado's CT182T Skylane G1000 HD Series for use in P3D v2.4. It only specifies on the Carenado website that it works with Prepar3D but not which version. Also, in the FlightSimStore it says compatibility with P3D v1:


    Compatibility: FSX, Prepar3D v1




    Anyone know if it will work in v2.4?




  11. Anyone know how to set the quality setting to High in the MJC84 Control Panel in P3D v2.4?


    What I've done is, started up P3D, loaded the Dash 8 and when it has settled on the runway I jump back to the desktop and start up the control panel. The settings are set to Medium and refresh rate is Slow. I change this to High and refresh rate to Fast and click apply. It appears to take the settings, but there is a note saying that the aircraft must be reloaded before they will take effect. So I reload the aircraft, and the settings reset back to the original. The same happens if I apply the setting and quit the game and start it up again.


    Anyone been having this issue?


    Thanks in advance.




  12. I have the 4790k running at stock speeds.


    When at default Heathrow airport in stormy weather in the PMDG 737 NGX using DX10, my fps is rock solid at 30.


    I have made a handful of modifications to the .cfg file and tweaked some settings with nVidia Inspector, but overall I am delighted with how it is performing! The GTX 780 in the background probably helps too though :)


    Hope this helps.



  13. Hi All,


    I have ordered Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X.


    Just wondering does anyone have any experience with it?


    I can't find many reviews on it out there, but the general impressions seem to be great for the price. I was initially going to go with the Saitek X55, but have reservations about spending 200EUR on my first piece of hardware - this seems to be a good compromise.


    Also, anyone that is using it - how do you have it configured? I think it comes with a default FSX setup, but I haven't used it yet.


    Is the twist rudder any good?




  14. Everything looks good apart from the graphics card. If you can stretch the budget, try to get at least a GTX 760 or a GTX 770 if you want to run at high settings. In my opinion, the GT 720 will struggle, unless other users have some experience with it? However, it all depends on what resolution you want to run it at too.


    I'm running a GTX 780 at 2560x1440 and can just about maintain 30fps in Heathrow with a few tweaks to the fsx.cfg file.


    I'd also agree with Denis above on the power supply, I wouldn't be comfortable running one that low wattage.


    Best of luck,


  15. Hey guys,


    Thanks for the input, very much appreciated! :)


    I did leave out that I have FSX which I will be installing too. So to keep things simple, I have both sims on a seperate drive where addons for the specific sim will be going too. So FSX is going on the SSD along with its addons. There is 250GB free on it which should be plenty for the moment. Also, out of both sims, I think FSX is the one that could benefit from every little bit of performance it can get from any area.


    X Plane will be going on the two mechanical drives in RAID 0 - 1.8TB of space, which should also be plenty. This also eliminated any issues addons would have if they were being placed on separate drives as the actual sim application itself.


    Anyway, thanks again for the help on this and the opinions.



  16. Ok, thanks for the input guys!


    I have decided to keep things simple and just install FSX on the SSD. 250GB should be more than enough for the moment. I don't have many mods or planes that I want to install anyway.


    I've also decided to install X Plane 10 to the mechanical HDDs in RAID 0. 1.8TB over there which should also be plenty.


    Thanks again,


  17. Hi guys,

    I have played FSX for quite a long time at this stage, probably since it was released actually. I am only coming back to it not after about a 2 year break though. I'm thinking about installing X-Plane 10 now too. I have also recently finished putting together a new rig. It has the most up to date hardware, so performance shouldn't be an issue if the sim is configured correctly...along with my expectations! :) I just don't want the install to cripple or impact performance unnecessarily if it can be avoided.


    i7 4790k (stock speeds for the moment, 4.4GHz)
    Corsair H110 CPU cooler
    Corsair Vengeance Pro 8GB 1866MHz
    Samsung 840 EVO 500GB
    Asus Maximus VI Hero
    Corsair AX760 PSU

    Currently the SSD has about 250GB free as the OS and other games are currently on it. I have also just bought 2 WD Blue 1TB 7200rpm HDDs (WD10EZEX).

    So my question is, where should I install X Plane? 

    I know it will be faster to load on the SSD, but that performance will not be improved in the sim. Will it be smoother overall on the SSD? If I install X Plane on the SSD and addons on the other HDDs, will they work with it? I read somewhere that you might have to use symbolic links?

    Also, I was thinking about setting up the two HDDs in RAID 0 with a 128kb stripe size and installing X Plane on there. Does RAID 0 cause issues (stutters/lower FPS, etc)

    Any input is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


  18. Hi guys,


    So this is my first post to Avsim and I'd really appreciate any info I can get on this topic.


    I have played FSX for quite a long time at this stage, probably since it was released actually. I am only coming back to it not after about a 2 year break though. I have also recently finished putting together a new rig. It has the most up to date hardware, so performance shouldn't be an issue if the sim is configured correctly...along with my expectations! :) I just don't want the install to cripple or impact performance unnecessarily if it can be avoided.




    i7 4790k (stock speeds for the moment, 4.4GHz)

    Corsair H110 CPU cooler


    Corsair Vengeance Pro 8GB 1866MHz

    Samsung 840 EVO 500GB

    Asus Maximus VI Hero

    Corsair AX760 PSU


    Currently the SSD has about 250GB free as the OS and other games are currently on it. I have also just bought 2 WD Blue 1TB 7200rpm HDDs (WD10EZEX).


    So my question is, where should I install FSX?


    I know it will be faster to load on the SSD, but that performance will not be improved in the sim. Will it be smoother overall on the SSD? If I install FSX on the SSD and addons on the other HDDs, will they work with FSX? I read somewhere that you might have to use symbolic links?


    Also, I was thinking about setting up the two HDDs in RAID 0 with a 128kb stripe size and installing FSX on there. Does RAID 0 cause issues with FSX (stutters/lower FPS, etc)


    Any input is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.



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