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Posts posted by Boeingman

  1. Hi folks,

    while I was working on a Michael-Bay-Steven-Spielberg like video-blockbuster of TrackIR and P3D to demonstrate my problem,
    I saw that TrueView in the TrackIR config programm was unticked. (Which was always required to use EZDok). The moment I activated it TrackIR was working without any limits in P3D and ChasePlane was doing its job perfectly.

    So therefore I found the solution myself:

    Make sure that True View is selected within the TrackIR program. Of course I don't know what the official recommendation from you developers is, but for me it solved the problem.

  2. Hello everybody,

    yesterday evening I joined the club and got myself ChasePlane. So far I have to say: Good job, gentleman. In terms of program design and available functions it is simply outstanding.

    Nevertheless, I have a small problem with TrackIR which I will try to describe in the following:

    I am running P3Dv3 and since FSX I have been using EZDok 1 and EZDok 2 together with TrackIR which worked flawlessly. You can move your head in every direction and the virtual head follows the movements of the real world counterpart without a problem. But with ChasePlane, I encountered an issue:

    First, here is a Picasso-like drawing of the "problem":


    On the left you see my head movement, on the right the "translation" by Chase Plane in the sim.
    When I turn my head to a new direction (2), the virtual head (2) turns as well to the translated direction. But when I lean forward (3) afterwards, chase plane moves the view point (3) forward from the original viewpoint/direction (1), and not the from new viewpoint/direction (2) so to speak.

    Does someone have the same prob? Is there a solution? The problem wouldn't bother me too much, but EZdok was able to handle this viewpoint movement. One could look to the left and right and "lean" out so to speak. Of course, Chase Plane is still beta, but I thought I'd ask.

    Thank you Captains!

    Kind Regards,



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