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Posts posted by MBE007

  1. There are not many payware airports. For a commercial organisation there is a question of whether to put the investment into development when it is unclear if there is a sufficient market demand. So how many of you would be prepared to buy payware airports if they were made available, bearing in mind you get what you pay for. Or is it solely the journey that matters to the majority and not the beauty of the takeoff and landing? Would be really useful if the silent majority would have your say and encourage others to do so as well perhaps. Thanks for reading my request folks.



    East Frisian Islands - Germany - Five places to fly for peace, quiet and plenty of bracing North Sea air


    These five airports on the islands of Baltrum, Borkum, Juist, Langeoog and Norderney are all part of the East Frisian Islands off the coasts of Germany and Holland. Borkum is the largest of the islands, located just 30 kilometres from the mainland it is Germany’s most North-Westerly point. Although in the past it was for Whalers and pirates it is now part of a National Park, as indeed are all the islands, and is an unspoilt place to escape to and then spend the week flying from island to island. Borkum airport, which is one metre above sea level, has one asphalt runway exactly one kilometre long and two grass runways just short of a kilometre each.

    Baltrum is known as the sleeping beauty of the North Sea and is the smallest of the islands, whereas Juist is the longest at 17 Kilometres and is only 7 kilometres from the mainland. Norderley has special status with UNESCO World Heritage Status and Langeoog makes up the fifth island. Each of these islands boasts its own airport, ideal for island hoping with twenty combinations for different take-off and landing places.


    Purchase Now in the market place


    SIM720 consists of a group of passionate flight sim enthusiasts. Made up of veterans from a range of areas such as engineering, visual design and the videogame industry and brought together through the love of flight simulation. Our focus will be in creating new content and improving the experience. But we don’t just produce content, we're active players and we're very excited about the opportunity to meet other players and discuss flight sims on our site and forums.

    We welcome all comment and will be using this forum along with the ones on our own website Flight.sim720.co.uk to keep you informed of our plans and to respond to your comments and questions. Enjoy.

    Please note folks, the SIM720 products are now available in the AVSIM Market Place, the place to go for your product purchases


    Our first five products launched are Oban, Catalina, Caernarfon and, just in time for Christmas Stornoway and Inverness. More to come

  4. Sim720 released Oban (EGEO North Connel) today as an independent developer. 

    I posted screenshot at OrbX and it got deleted without notice. O asked about in the general forum and it got deleted as well.


    Not a very nice attitude towards your customers. Why not tell just what happened.


    Anyway Oban by Sim720 is a nice addition to OrbX SCO and compatible with default and Horizon as well.


    Look here.



    If you think Oban is good then you need to Caernarfon for Wales from SIM720

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