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Posts posted by tgarris56

  1. The issue is addressed in this forum here: 


    I also had the same issue trying to download the rxpGTN-750-XPL.exe "E-Commerce Installer".  Threat detected:  Trojan:Win32Azden.B!cl  Alert level:  Severe  Category:  Trojan  Details:  This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker.  

    Tim Garris,  FS MaNiA

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  2. I hope Bert is having a great time on his ridiculously long vacation :smile:  I think his presence here is missed since Carenado released SP 1.3 and his mods are created for 1.2.


    I did fly the Hawker with Bert's GTN-750 mod.  It certainly made the airplane  more predictable and easier to manage for sure.  The GTN-750 does have a "V-Calc" function that calculates a TOD and updates the descent rate required to meet set altitude restrictions. So you don't really have to give up V-Nav with the GTN-750.


    I understand wanting to fly the Hawker or Phenom(s) with the avionics package(s)  they come equipped with.  The Collins Proline 21 and the Garmin Prodigy are after all customized for their respective jets.  I have been flying the Carenado Phenom 300(so far) with only the G1000 because I have SP1.3 and Bert's on vacation.  I am working though the rough spots with the help of this forum and Ray Marshall. 


    I am producing a video series on the Phenom 300 in cooperation with Ray Marshall who is currently writing an AVSIM review of the 300.  The series will feature a series of flights beginning in Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil (home of Embraer) and conclude in Wichita, Kansas (home of Cessna).  I am starting out with the basic Phenom 300 version 1.3 on the first leg to Belem, Brazil.  On the 2nd leg to St. Maarten and 3rd leg to Fort Lauderdale,  I will add in the Navigraph expansion pack and fly airways, SID's, and STAR's and approaches (I hope) with the G1000.  On the final leg to Wichita, I plan to add  Bert's GTN-750 to the panel (if he ever comes back from vacation :smile:).  The idea is to fly the Phenom 300 using very basic simple procedures all the way through more complex navigation and approaches. 


    I think what we would all love to have is a PMDG level Business Class Jet.  Maybe PMDG will create one someday... until then....


    Here's what could potentially be a good compromise for both camps...  GTN-750 vs. G-1000.  What would be nice is to have the G1000 modeled on the level of Flight1's GTN-750.  RealAir provides provisions to replace the FSX GPS in the Turbine Duke with the Flight1 GTN-750 which cost about the same as the Turbine Duke. To me it seems worth the investment given that I can install the GTN-750 in several of the airplanes in my hanger. 


    Flight1 will you please build a G1000 that can be installed in the Carenado Phenom 100 or 300 (with weather radar)???  If we had that option available, then all would be well with the world.  Until then, I'll just keep flying with what I have... heck, I flew a lot of real world cross country trips when there was no such thing as GPS. :wink:   

  3. I recently purchased the Carenado Phenom 300 version 1.3 and the Navigraph Expansion Pack for FSX.  I am currently working on a FS MaNiA video series featuring the 300.  This forum is where I come to figure out how to fly the often quirky avionics/autopilots of the Carenado fleet.  Many thanks to everyone here for posting very helpful tips and tricks.  A major thank you to Bert for providing so many mods that take these airplanes to a much more realistic level.


    A major issue I was having with the 1.3 / Navigraph version, was transitioning from enroute GPS navigation to the ILS approach mode.  When I was established inbound on the localizer course, I would press the "CDI" softkey on the PFD to switch from GPS to NAV 1  (I always have to manually tune the ILS frequency into NAV 1 in spite of pre-selecting the approach using the MFD "Proc" key)  The AFCS, however, would continue to navigate with the GPS and refused to intercept the ILS glideslope.  I noticed the PFD "OBS" soft key had changed to "GPS".  Pressing that key didn't do diddly, so I figured the simulator must be stuck in GPS mode.  I mapped the FSX GPS/NAV toggle command to the "N" key on my keyboard.  The next time navigated enroute using the GPS mode, intercepted the localizer course inbound, switched to "Heading" mode on the autopilot, switched the CDI from GPS to NAV 1 using the CDI softkey on the PFD, and then toggled the GPS/NAV mode to NAV using the "N" key on my keyboard.  The "GPS" softkey changed from GPS to "OBS".  I activated the approach mode on the AFCS and the autopilot flew the approach, intercepted the glideslope, and descended the airplane on glideslope as expected. 


    I don't know if anyone else has had this issue, or if this is even the best work around, but it worked for me flying from Anchorage to Bethel, Alaska.  I have not yet applied any of Bert's upgrades, however, I plan to add Bert's GTN 750 version to my hanger soon.  I hope this helps someone else!  Cheers!

  4. Thank you very much Klaus!! I do have the Flight1 Super King Air B200 in my virtual hanger. I have hag several request to do a video on that outstanding lady. I am in the middle of A2A's Piper Comanche series at present on a flight from Dutch Harbor to Cold Bay, Alaska. I think the Super King Air might be the perfect plane for my next flight from Cold Bay to Anchorage. I will definitely add it to the list. Thank you so much for your suggestion. Kindest Regards, Tim Garris, FS MaNiA

  5. Actually that would be a welcomed feature for me as I sometimes forget to change the altimeter to 29.92" at FL180 and receive strongly worded complaints from offended viewers.  I just tried a climb up to FL210 in the Hawker with "FL Alert" set to "ON", alas, no warning or annunciation was forthcoming :unsure:

  6. Ed is exactly right.  FL Alert is only for the audible warning ON/OFF in the real aircraft.  Apparently in the Carenado version it doesn't do anything.  I just completed three test takeoffs in the 1.2 SP Version of the Hawker 850XP:


    Takeoff 1) FL Alert = OFF.  I used the Altitude selector knob to set initial altitude to 7000 ft.  I used the pitch wheel to move the VS indicator on the speed tape to 2000 FPM thereby also moving the flight director bar up to approx. 10 degree nose up pitch.  Selected HDG mode.  Did a normal takeoff.  Engaged the AP Autopilot at 1000 ft.  Engaged "FLC" at 200 Knots.  The nose pitched up and the aircraft climbed rapidly and pretty much maintained the 200 knots.  At 6000 feet I got the audible warning for 1000 to go (in spite of leaving the FL Alert = Off).  The aircraft leveled off roughly at the 7000 ft target altitude and ultimately captured it.


    Takeoff 2)  FL Alert = ON  I used the same procedure described somewhere else in this forum; set initial altitude with Altitude selector knob, press Altitude selector knob and the Alt key to cancel the ALTS mode.  Use the pitch wheel to command a 10 to 12 degree climb out pitch.  Use HDG mode.  Normal takeoff, engage autopilot, engage FLC at desired climb speed.  The aircraft climbed through the target altitude and no audible warning was received. 


    Based on those two test I think I can safely assert that "FL Alert ON/OFF" don't do squat on this model.  The key to success with the "FLC" mode seems to be in the pre-takeoff mode selections and key strokes pertaining to Altitude.  I did a third take-off with the same method as Takeoff 1 described above, and achieved the same results.


    Sheesh, such is the life of a Carenado Hawker Driver :unsure:  Trial and error, guess work, and patience.  Very sorry for the confusion about the FL Alert setting.  It was pretty much a coincidence I found that menu setting (not in the documentation) and used the Takeoff 1 procedure (above) on the same flight.  Incorrectly assumed the FL Alert = On setting was the key to success for proper FLC function when it was really just the initial autopilot setup method that worked. 


    I think we can all agree better documentation would be helpful to avoid unnecessary confusion.  Seems like a simple fix, and yet.... :wacko:

  7. Thanks for posting this Richard.  In part 2 of this video I performed a mid-air magical upgrade to Bert's GTN mod and used it for the descent and approach into Dutch Harbor.  It's good to have several options and techniques for getting this girl up and back down again.  I will say, it is one of the easier planes to land that I have flown in a while.  She really flies very well when you finally figure out what works and what doesn't.  Thanks again for the plug and thanks to Bert for his GTN mod!  Cheers.  Tim

  8. The engine computers take care of setting power, so it's levers full forward for takeoff.  Should an engine fail, the computers automatically increase the output from the remaining engine (APR), and the rudder bias system driven by bleed air from the operating engine steps on the proper rudder to help you hold the airplane straight. 


    Once up and away (on two good engines) power is reduced slightly until  the word "climb" appears near the N1 fan speed indication on the Pro Line 21 display.  At least that's the way the RW Aircraft operates.  I have logged a few hours in the Carenado Version and I don't recall seeing thrust settings, i.e., "climb", cruise, on the MFD or anywhere else.  It's pretty much guess work if you are a Carenado Hawker Pilot.

  9. Actually, an unusual flying characteristic of the Hawker (as reported by J. Mac McClellan, Flying Magazine) is, "at rotation the ram's horn control yoke feels as though it were connected to the elevator by rubber bands.  At Vr speed you haul way back on the yoke and for an instant, nothing happens, then in a second or two the nose rotates smoothly.  As the nose comes up you release back pressure, from then on all control inputs generate a natural smooth and precise response.  The Hawker is not a finger tip flyer, but it is easy to fly smoothly".  In my experience flying the Carenado version, they seem to have modeled this unique Hawker flight dynamic reasonably accurate. 

  10. Dark CRT no avionics issue solved with quick reply to support ticket by Carenado.  1) Go to GAUGES folder in the FSX root directory.  2) Delete the PROLINE21.CAB file.  3) Run the Hawker uninstaller (also in the FSX root directory) 4) Re-install the Hawker.  Avionics booted up.  Successful flight with 30 FPS.  Onward and upward!

  11. Thanks much for the feedback. I'm away on a trip at the moment, so I don't have the performance figures in front of me. As I recall, rotation speed was 103 knots with flaps 10. I think I remember you can approach at 95 knots with full flaps or slower depending on weight. I didn't trying to do a short field landing at Jackson Hole, as they had a 6 or 7000 foot runway if memory serves. Just guessing you could probably land and stop in 3,500 feet, however, no spoilers or reverse thrust to help,,, it's all brakes!! Cheers !

  12. Name: New Carenado Phenom 100 Video on YouTube

    Category: FS Aircraft

    Date Added: 09 December 2014 - 11:11 AM

    Submitter: tgarris56

    Short Description: Part 1 of 3 Carenado Embraer Phenom 100 flight from Centennial Airport, Denver Co. to Jackson Hole Airport, Wyoming



    Attempting to post a link to a new video I recently uploaded to YouTube featuring the Carenado Phenom 100. I hope this information is useful to the community.



    Post Source: New Carenado Phenom 100 Video on YouTube


    View Video

  13. :biggrin:Thank you Trevor,  I'm not ready to give up my day job, however, I need to ;)  I burn a lot of midnight oil researching, flying, videoing, and editing FS Videos.  My definition of finding your passion is "something you love to do and will do even if you don't get paid.   

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