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Posts posted by kevinoffsite

  1. I'm back to FSX, got tired of tweaking and testing. I could never really get any consistent anything. I spent 45 minutes tweaking my flight controls, logged on this morning and they were gone. I will keep a close eye on things but I miss flying the Aerosoft Cheyenne and with the upgrades to my hardware to accommodate Prepar I have some pretty sweet FSX Scenery going on. 

  2. Have you figured out yet why no-one has responded to your post? This thread is about some poor soul suffering from OOMs <_<

    Be nice to test a flight or shoot an approach or something  other than roll out and rotate, but my ffing Joystick doesn't work. But thanks for response :mellow:

  3. Hey can anyone help me get my Joystick to work, I do know I need the FSUIPC but it installs to the default FSX directory. Is it just a matter of extracting the .dll file and placing it in the appropriate folder on the root prepar3d? Currently it works somewhat but my buttons don't follow their mapped position and it doesn't work for taxiing at all.

  4. I say "SO WHAT". We are humans, we are reacting as we should, with emotion. I'm sure things will get better but it is absolutely a moving target, I found the lower end Radeon R9 260x is out performing the 760 which probably has to do with the way it processes memory. 64 bit is the answer and a new code base which is probably some time out, in the mean time its here for us to complain about. 

  5. I have been vigorously testing cards, overclocking and my payware aircraft, primarily my Carenado Malibu and at times its great but then it starts chopping and finally freezes. 


    Currently I'm running my Phenom AMD Processor 6 cores at between 3.7 to 4.0 GHZ and I have tested 3 video cards, GTX 460, GTX 670 and AMD R9 260x. It does appear to be all about the card and unless you can drop some serious bucks I don't think your going to be consistently happy.


    Seriously considering just going back to FSX as I am currently working on my IFR Rating and I need my performance to be reliable. 


    Dont know what to think. 

  6. I've had quiet a frustrated couple of days, and yes I'm sure "error between the ears" has contributed. Today after a fresh OS install and video tweaking I have a new and unsolved problem, when I try to switch airports it just crashes. I was kind of thinking maybe I had some write access protection issues but that doesn't seem to be it, just a bug and I'll keep trying to figure it out. 

  7. For anyone upgrading their card from Nvidia to whatever I found out the hard way what not to do. Make sure you remove any remnants of Nvidia drivers and or tools prior to installing your new card, Nvidia stores all kinds of various little tid bits all over the place, files, registry ETC. So I installed my new Radeon card and continued to get that annoying "This video card does not meet requirements, blah blah blah." Typically you remove the cached shader folder in App Data, however for some reason I was not able to rid myself of that error until I completely removed all Nvidia softwares and some are hidden. Also remove those files before physically taking out the Nvidia card itself or they wont uninstall at all. Luckily my PC is a dedicated Flight Sim so I felt better doing a clean OS install rather than chancing any missed files. Good luck with upgrades. 

  8. So I upgraded to the Radeon R7 260x 2GB GDDR5 Card today and now I'm getting a message that states


    "this graphics card does not meet minimum requirements for shader support"


    I didn't get this message with my old Geforce before the upgrade. Seems to me I ran into this awhile back with FSX Gold..


    Any ideas, DirectX11 is installed. 

  9. On a four core that's true put p3d doesn't understand how to use more than 4 cores his is a six core and mine is an 8 when I set my affinity mask I picked up 10 fps

    As for affinity mask all you need to do is add this to your p3d.cfg/fsx.cfg



    AffinityMask=(whatever number you need) mine is set at 224 for my 8 core and people with 4 cores run 14

    Hey great info, can you tell me the setting for 6 core or how to determine that? I know you said you are 224. Thanks

  10. So I went into this upgrade thinking I was good, I'm not. I'm running a GTX460 Video Card, 6 core Phenom AMD processor and 16 gigs of ram. However I can't get close to the Display Settings I acheieved on FSX, Although some load has been shifted to the GPU I am still gettting a maxxed out CPU. The DUKE b60 was horribly choppy, however the defualt AC on start up ran fair. I am currently redesigning my system until then its FSX.

  11. Anyone else experiencing poor response from their joystick, particularly in taxing and take off roll out? after applying full power I have this nasty pull to the left and a full right stick in almost not enough... I did calibrate twice. Anything else?

  12. As an IT professional of over 25 years I know how to build a good beefy rig and despite my expertise I could never quiet satisfy myself with FSX. Out of the gate I am impressed with Version 2, the performance is superior by a long shot and I haven't even began to tweak. Already I'm seeing a much more of a balance load on my processor and GPU, not to mention the detail is by default far better than FSX. I have already loaded my Carenado Malibu and shot an ILS approach into KILM and it was flawless. I have notice some bugs, on initial start up when I select full screen it keeps defaulting back to incorrect resolution setting and its done that pretty consistently. However that could be an error between the ears or something to do with my native. I did install a solid state drive just to run the program, I have a phenom black processor, GTX 460 and 16 gigs or ram which really doesnt matter due to the 32 bit setup. 


    I'm looking forward to updates and loading some new scenery upgrades and especially overclocking my GPU.. 

  13. Hi All, new here although I have been a Sim Head for years. I decided to wait on the version 2 release and just purchased, however I purchased the Academic Version and its currently downloading. I think I already regret not buying the Pro Version. I'm a licensed pilot who has been inactive for several years and I use Flight Sim to keep the brain active. Does anyone know if you can upgrade from Academic to Pro?


    BTW 170kb on my download speed, serious throttling going on..

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