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Travis 727

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Posts posted by Travis 727

  1. Well the PMDG is pretty much all I fly...having said that...and I do not fly VATSIM or that type of thing....then why should I go to P3d?   My question is honest as I have been simming for over 20 years and just do what is the current thing for the most part...but the PMDG is the best thing I have seen at least for me....and I do get the occasional freeze on FSX but other that that I do not really have a complaint as I have a lot of payware that is on FSX.... so just asking .....thanks in advance and I am not a computer guru...but if the 777 on P3d is the way to go then money is no problem for me but I don't need something I don't need...that is why I am asking.....thanks ...al v

  2. I cannot get my PMDG or QW aircraft to install on Steam..probably cuz I am not a computer guru....but I can fly the default Cessna 172 around the FSX-Steam just fine and the sim is very smooth...but MY FSX is running great also so I use it....and will continue to use the old FSX until it dies...lol...al v

    I cannot load my PMDG planes or my Ouality Wings 757 into Steam...but I am not a techie with computers ...just like to fly the planes... They run beautifully in my FSX Gold...

  3. User 72 ..my download took a few hours at least as I am not a computer guru but...it seems to work fine...I left the house during download and let Steam do it's thing....I am interested in where all of this will go with the FSX developers etc...which is way above my pay grade...I just like flying FSX without the crashes etc.....but I flew the 172 all around Tucson where I live and man it was smooth on my machine...but I cannot load PMDG which is my favorite on FSX.... so I will just wait and see what happens. al v

  4. Well, all I can say is that I love the Level D 767 and would certainly purchase the 757 if Level D made it...but I am an old geezer like mid 70s and I decided on the QW 757 which is quite fine.. And yes to all the  others who might reply....YES I have the capt sim...757 as well....but personally ,,,I like the QW 757 better...however, again....if Level D makes the 757 I would be a customer for sure but to me ....doesn't look like it anytime soon....let me know if I can buy it...LOL...Travis 727

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