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Posts posted by roypinha

  1. I use FSUIPC to configure all my controls for my Saitek equipment. I would like to recommend you to pick up a registered copy at Simmarket.com and set up everything via FSUIPC.

    thanks, i no want buy...

    If you want to stick with the FSX controls menu, here are some instructions:


    Go to the "Settings" menu from the Free Flight screen when you fire up FSX. 

    Click on "Controls". 

    Click on "Buttons and keys". 

    Then, select one of the sub-categories from the drop down menu (Trim would be in "Flight Controls").

    When you find something like "Elevator- trim up", double-click it and then click the button on your yoke that you want to set to trim. 

    thank you!

  2. in the yoke of of saitek I noticed that three keys that move right left / top down 

    They have a guide or you can / need to define what will be using them? 
    It's possible to put elevator TRIM? And flaps? And one of them will control the rudder? 
    It could be that I get it 
    Can possibly (if you can not define offsets In The Yoke) fly without elevator trim? That it will not be comfortable keyboard every second click, same thing with flaps and rudder, How do I set you in the yoke of? Or should I buy the elevator trim separate pedals and Table AP?
    Thanks for helpers 
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