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Posts posted by hmmc97

  1. Confirmed the issue on my end:

    Desk Pilot is not capturing my actions from the NGX. I set up the system on my laptop, tried both Captain and FO. My actions I send off my laptop as the captain show on the NGX, but swap the two over and any action that I give to the faulting one does not go across.


    I recently relocated my FSX folder over to another drive and haven't had an issue yet (I have followed a guide), so don't know if that has any impact. The faulting computer is not broadcasting any data.


    I will try reinstalling the NGX and hopefully that will fix it.


    Hope this helps - let me know if there's anything else I can try, but it is not a firewall issue.



  2. Still not working. I asked my 2 sim partners to connect and it worked straight off the bat. I've tried everything and I'm still having issues.


    It's almost like it's not connecting to the sim. Once it says: "Shared Cockpit Enabled!" after a few seconds it just says Gear lever [DOWN].


    Any ideas? All firewalls that I know of are disabled.

  3. Unfortunately I had this issue again tonight. Me and my F/O were trying to do a flight (different person to last time), and the same symptoms occurred. 

    We tried everything, checked firewalls, opened ports, however a ping to him returned no response.

    One thing I did notice was when I was running the server, it did not register my actions on the console (eg Fuel Pumps On/Off), which it does on a successful connection. The only thing it had was Landing Gear Down, and nothing else. If we changed roles (him as the server), his actions were logged on the console and I received them. However he can never get my 'inbound' commands.

    Any ideas?

  4. Thanks Michael,
    I've got it working, however it was unrelated to the windows firewall. I figured it had to be something that has been altered somewhere along the line for it to originally work. 


    I went onto my ISP (Internode's) control panel and found there to be a firewall turned on. This was due to an upgrade in my internet plan which enabled the feature.


    Hope this helps someone else in the same boat.


  5. Hi Michael,


    I've tried this with 2 more people, one of which is the person that it originally worked with. This time, the same symptoms occurred with him. I can see what he's doing but he can't see what I'm doing. 


    I've double checked that the entry is in my options file. I also tried looking at that Firewall Guide however I get an error 403 forbidden.


    To my knowledge nothing has changed but I'll complete whatever is required in order for this to work! At least it worked that other time :)


    Thanks again.

  6. Hi there,


    Firstly thank you very much for this excellent product.


    I'm trying to successfully connect to a friend who is also using DP. However whenever we connect (I'm the server/capt), I can only see his actions, and he can't see mine.


    Just wondering if there is any potential problems on our end that relate to our issues. I've successfully connected and completed a flight with someone else so I believe the issue is not on my end.


    Any ideas? We've both run the compatibilty tester with positive results. I suspect something is blocking a connection but interested to hear other thoughts.



  7. Hi Jim,

    Thanks for getting back to me.


    I've tried what you suggested and I still get the same error. It seems like the GSX issue is related to the FSX bootup as in the Event Viewer it has an issue loading the scenery file. I've attached a screenshot of what it looks like.


    I have also tried setting the scenery file itself to "Everyone" with full permissions.





  8. Just an update:
    With further debugging, after I select an aircraft GSX throws up an "stopped working" error message. In the event viewer it says:

    Windows cannot access the file D:\FSX\Scenery\0201\scenery\APX21140.bgl for one of the following reasons: there is a problem with the network connection, the disk that the file is stored on, or the storage drivers installed on this computer; or the disk is missing. Windows closed the program Couatl™ Scripting Engine for FSX/ESP because of this error.
    Program: Couatl™ Scripting Engine for FSX/ESP
    File: D:\FSX\Scenery\0201\scenery\APX21140.bgl
    The error value is listed in the Additional Data section.
    User Action
    1. Open the file again. This situation might be a temporary problem that corrects itself when the program runs again.
    2. If the file still cannot be accessed and
    	- It is on the network, your network administrator should verify that there is not a problem with the network and that the server can be contacted.
    	- It is on a removable disk, for example, a floppy disk or CD-ROM, verify that the disk is fully inserted into the computer.
    3. Check and repair the file system by running CHKDSK. To run CHKDSK, click Start, click Run, type CMD, and then click OK. At the command prompt, type CHKDSK /F, and then press ENTER.
    4. If the problem persists, restore the file from a backup copy.
    5. Determine whether other files on the same disk can be opened. If not, the disk might be damaged. If it is a hard disk, contact your administrator or computer hardware vendor for further assistance.
    Additional Data
    Error value: C000009C
    Disk type: 3

    Any ideas?

  9. G'day,


    I've just completed an FSX drive migration from my small SSD to a larger HDD. I followed a guide on how to move all the files across and it seems to have worked.

    I did not have my Acceleration expansion pack installed, and I installed it after I've moved to my new HDD.


    Now if I adjust anything in the scenery folder, it does the usual "Building database" dialog, however this time it always stops at 7%, pauses briefly, then a windows dialog appears saying: "failed to read from file". Then FSX CTD's.


    I've tried getting FSX to rebuild the Scenery.CFG which it does, but it still stops at 7%. However, if I go to my FSX.CFG and remove everything from the [Trusted] section, it works and I just have to re-approve every addon while it's starting. But again, if I change anything in terms of scenery and it has to rebuild, it will fail.


    Any suggestions would be appreciated. I know it's not a good practise moving the FSX folder across drives but a reinstall would take weeks and many gigabytes.




    EDIT: In order to get FSX working, I need to remove the link that is where the old FSX was located is and run FSX Deluxe off the SSD. This rebuilds everything and allows the HDD FSX Accel install to run again. Then after that, I remove everything out of the [Trusted] section and FSX runs happy again until I update scenery.

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