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Posts posted by worx

  1. Try the uiautomationcore.dll from PMDG. Try FSUIPC4 (freeware should be good)


    Start FSX as administrator and try it again. 


    No mate, it didnt work :( It works when i dont allow GAUGES\PMDG_737NGX.DLL to run, but then my whole cockpit is black and i cant click on anything

    which is why i suspected the dll file was corrupt.

  2. I can fly just fine in single player without any problem, however when i go online or try to host a session, as soon as i press join session, my fsx stops and i get a fatal error.


    here is the message.



    Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14
    Faulting module name: PMDG_737NGX.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x4f5162a3
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0023abe6
    Faulting process ID: 0xdb8
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf2c8ac5e5144d
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_737NGX.DLL
    Report ID: 19f52828-987e-11e3-8256-50e549ce43ee
    Faulting package full name: 
    Faulting package-relative application ID: 

    ive tried almost every fix, reinstall game, windows, formating windows, reinstall 737ngx, redownload it, run as admin. 


    Still the same problem, i see that others can use it online just fine.


    I have win 8.1

    i7 @4.5ghz

    sli 680




  3. Ye i have, ive posted everywhere, i found the problem.


    its in the GAUGES\PMDG_737NGX.DLL. If i dont allow my system to run that .dll then i can load in just fine, however the guages are not showing up.

    So my guess is that it has a corrupted .dll


    Could someone please share their DLL file or send it please? Who ever has their plane working. 

  4. I am willing to PAY to who ever can help me, this is the most frustrating thing i have ever encountered. 

    This plane has caused me so much pain, im talking formating, then reformatting my whole hard drive.


    Basicly, i payed for it, downloaded it and started flying it, however the FPS was very low, it worked just fine online and its an amazing plane.

    I had too many add ons etc, so i decided to format my pc to get better frames, it was time anyway, once i did that, it corrupted resulting into my whole system to crash which then i had to completely wipe my whole hard drive. Lost all my partitions lots of files that were backed up.


    So now ive got a clean install windows 8.1 and first thing i do is install FSX and 737 to see if fps is better. However when i press join session for online it crashes my fsx, doesnt even load.

    Says fatal error. Ive done the UI.dll fix, been googling for days, emailed PMDG with no reply. It just doesnt work, i cant join ANY online server with it. Single player works perfectly and i get great fps. 


    There is nothing online about this issue or at least a fix.


    Big question is, why did it work before and now its broken? 


    I only play online, SP is out of the question, and i only ever fly the 737.


    If anyone can help me id... 

  5. ive copied all those settings from an f18 which does work, to the f35b. And it doesnt work?


    How do you activate it? ctrl+a? Is there a button in cock pit that turns it on aswell? Because i dont see an APP button, i also did install a fresh copy of the f35.

    How do you guys activate it? 


    This is my autopilot cfg


    autothrottle_max_rpm = 90
    pitch_takeoff_ga = 8;
    yaw_damper_gain = 1.0

  6. No, the avionics. It would have radio frequencies and autopilot at the bottom.


    You might have to change the aircraft.cfg as well to allow use of apr mode. When I get home I'll look at it.


    Think what your talking about is the radio stack to enter your ils, which it already has. The same one as the f18. Ive looked into aircraft.cfg autopilot section and its fine, infact i copied the f18 autopilot and still nothing.


    F18 when your approaching i hit ctrl + a and it activated approach mode which uses glider for altitude and corrects your heading. When i do the same thing with f35 nothing happens. ctrl+a simply doesnt work. The only thing that does work is ctrl+n which is nav1 holder, which lines you up for the run way, but it doesnt correct your altitude according to the slope glider of ils. 


    F18 it works perfectly, just like a 747, but not the case with f35. Ive done alot of research and there seems nothing on the internet at all about how to land this plane using ils. There isnt a single site that talks about it nor does dino who created the aircraft. Im really puzzled. 

  7. Hey guys, ive download a great plane. Im in love with, however it had some problems with auto pilot. After countless hours ive managed to fix almost everything.


    But now all i have left is, this plane doesnt come with approach mode, however it does come with NAV 1 hold, which holds the heading of ils but not the altitude.

    So my question is, is it possible to add approach mode to an aircraft that doesnt come with it? If so youll make my day, :) 


    Thanks guys looking forward to your posts. 


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