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Posts posted by cvandenberg01

  1. Hi there,

    I am reinstalling P3d and addons onto a new SSD and the link I have for AILRP no longer works.  Is there a way to get another one?

    I can provide my order reference number if necessary. 

    I emailed you asking this same question but I'm not sure if that is monitored, so that's why I'm also reaching out on here.  Also, I am hoping there isn't an issue activating it again but I will reach out if that is the case.  

    Thank you!


    Chad Vandenberg 


  2. Simbol,


    I have completed the recommendations that you suggested and it is definitely better.  The landing lights have a much smaller fireball look to it but it is still there a little bit.  I reduced the landing lights to -50% and chose the Full HD option.  Is there anything else I can try?  I have a 42" monitor/TV 4K.  The resolution in P3D is 3840x2160x32, if that even matters?  

    Anyways, love the product but still searching for the perfect look.

    Thanks a ton for your help so far.

    Chad Vandenberg 

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