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Posts posted by porterhaus

  1. Hello everyone, I recently returned to x-plane after quite a few years. Still consider myself a beginner and just having fun. This time I am enjoying learning a few things about scenery design. It is lots of fun, and addictive. Anyway, I would like to know the proper way (if any) to have more than one version of the same airport in x-plane and be able to switch from one to another without a whole lot of issues. Maybe if I knew specifically what happens when I "export scenery pack" I could understand it better and figure something out myself. Using WED, I have found that changes to runways, taxiways, beacon, etc. have to be made in the first airport version to be seen in x-plane. However buildings, facades, forests, etc can be seen in x-plane if created in another version of the same airiport. For the time being I am still using x-plane 8, but hope to update to XPX before too much longer. Thanks in advance.

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