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Posts posted by Pete1261

  1. 29 minutes ago, Lorby_SI said:

    First get the AAO button assignments right. You did it wrong. Then look for the events. If your events work, fine, if they don't, use the HVars.

    Am now using the AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_INC and AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_DEC with the Honeycomb Alpha Button 5 and supress key down event box checked in both of them. In AS1000_PFD_FMS_Lower_INC and AS1000_PFD_FMS_Lower_DEC I have the Alpha Button 5 in the Assigned Combo field also, but the supress key down event box not active in both of them. The only thing that lights up when trying is the two LEDs for AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_INC and AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_DEC. regardless if I press button five or not. Think its time to make dinner, and the head for bed. It´s past 20:00 and the Alarm goes of at 4:30.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Lorby_SI said:


    That is the first mistake. Both assignments have to have the same Combo assigned, one "active" the other one "suppressed". 

    But before "tinkering" you have to make sure that you are using the correct events. Until now, the "G1000" default simulator events have been non-functional in MSFS. The Asobo G1000 is controlled by HVars, and some of those are already in the list in AAO. Others you can add yourself if you know their names, either using an RPN script or by adding them to the AAO database manually.

    I think I have the Problem. I´m using the Working Title Garmin G1000 NXI. That´s probably different to the default G1000 or not?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Lorby_SI said:

    Actually no, you don't. To my best knowledge the default G1000 events don't works in MSFS. Look for the "AS1000_PFD" - Hvars in the "HTML Variables" group. Use the Filter function.

    That was quick answering. I will give it a try. Thing is that I have been in touch with Rottenbk the Author of the Template I downloaded. It seems to work fine for him, but not for me. Will tinker a bit more and see what happens.

  4. Its driving me nuts... I am trying to use a Behringer X-Touch Mini as a controller for the Garmin G1000 in MSFS 2020. One rotary knob I would like to use as the FMS knob. The thing is that the FMS knob has a lower knob (group knob I think) and an upper knob (page knob I think). The way I want to get this onto using just one knob ist to use a shift key (got this from a guy named Rottenbk in the microsoft flightsimulator forums - genius idea.) You leave an assigned button alone and turn the dial, it acts as the upper knob. You press a key on a plugged in device (Honeycomb Alpha, Joystick, whatever) as you turn the knob, and it acts as the lower knob. This uses the combo function from Axis and Ohs. Problem is that it doesn´t work for me. In programming I first press the green LED from "Assigned Combo", then I press the button I want and in the  "Assigned Combo" field the Button from the device appears eg.: "Alpha Flight Controls Button <5>". Under Keydown Event you look for "G1000_PFD_Group_Knob_INC: Step up through the page groups." and program that in. Fine till now. Then you press save. Also fine till now. But then when you try it  - in the right hand list of assigned buttons in the main Window under "G1000_PFD_Group_Knob_INC" the green LED should flicker when you turn the knob clockwise and press the button at the same time. Only it doesn´t. I also have the Upper knob programmed "G1000_PFD_Page_Knob_INC: Step up through the individual pages.", but without anything in the "Assigned Combo" field. This is where the green LED flickers - both with pressing the shift button, and without pressing the shift button. It seems that Axis and Ohs doesn´t care what is standing in "Assigned Combo" field. Do I need to do something elsewhere, or check something somewhere? Any help would be thankfully accepted before I go mad.

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