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Posts posted by Thundervil

  1. So today I tried to open a support ticket for the 777 and when I went to the support page it asked for a login. I pressed login, put my username(email) and password (which I am registered with on the main website) and it said that my username or password were incorrect. I tried resetting the password but it gave me an error again, that there is no such user. So my question is: Am I doing something wrong, is it a bug, or the support website requires a new registration to submit a ticket?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. are you doing derated takeoff?  and if so 1 2 or temp based drate?  might have to recalc your drates.



    Thanks Andrei.

    Emirates' aircraft are not allowed to use TO-1 or TO-2 thrust, they only fill in the Flex temp and that's it. As you can see I am using D-TO 50 degrees with TO thrust but I don't think that using 100% thrust would reduce my V1 speed.

  3. Something must be wrong. Note that I am not complaining about my V-speeds, only about my V1 :P
    Anyway, the thing is that in my flightplan, (created using simbrief) my ramp fuel was around 127 tons if I remember correctly (in FMC it was shown around 85%) and I had selected full payload and I did not get any errors. I suppose if it couldn't take off wouldn't it have said "V-speeds not available?" or something? Also I didn't get a warning that I had passed my MTOW.

  4. Hello everybody, 

    I have noticed that the 777 calculates pretty high V1 speeds especially when I am really heavy, is this normal? For example, below is a picture of me taking off from KSFO RW 28R inbound OMDB (lot of fuel) and fully loaded in passengers and cargo. As you can see I am taking off with 95% thust and I had flaps 15. I would expect for my VR and V2 to be so high but what about V1? Can someone explain? Here are my V-speeds calculated by the FMC.
    V1: 171
    VR: 171
    V2: 173
    I am 100% sure I wouldn't be able to stop with that little RW left ahead of me if I aborted takeoff at let's say V1-1 knot.
    R8nOQN8.jpgThanks in advance.

  5. Hello everybody, 

    I have noticed that the 777 calculates pretty high V1 speeds especially when I am really heavy, is this normal? For example, below is a picture of me taking off from KSFO RW 28R inbound OMDB (lot of fuel) and fully loaded in passengers and cargo. As you can see I am taking off with 95% thust and I had flaps 15. I would expect for my VR and V2 to be so high but what about V1? Can someone explain? Here are my V-speeds calculated by the FMC.
    V1: 171
    VR: 171
    V2: 173
    I am 100% sure I wouldn't be able to stop with that little RW left ahead of me if I aborted takeoff at let's say V1-1 knot.
    R8nOQN8.jpgThanks in advance.

  6. Hello everybody, 

    I have noticed that the 777 calculates pretty high V1 speeds especially when I am really heavy, is this normal? For example, below is a picture of me taking off from KSFO RW 28R inbound OMDB (lot of fuel) and fully loaded in passengers and cargo. As you can see I am taking off with 95% thust and I had flaps 15. I would expect for my VR and V2 to be so high but what about V1? Can someone explain? Here are my V-speeds calculated by the FMC.
    V1: 171
    VR: 171
    V2: 173
    I am 100% sure I wouldn't be able to stop with that little RW left ahead of me if I aborted takeoff at let's say V1-1 knot.
    R8nOQN8.jpgThanks in advance.

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