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Posts posted by morato96

  1. Thanks Dan, I have followed all the steps that the manual indicates and unfortunately the problems does not resolve. I have submitted a ticket to PMDG customer support and hopefully they will be able to sort this issue. Could it be that the manager upload is corrupted? I also have the 757 quality wings and I have upload all the addons liveries without any problems


    Sorry, I did not know about the names´ fórums rules. I have already added my name on the signature field

  2. Hello, I recently bought the PMDG 737, which is already installed. Once I do all the uploading proccess to load different airlines by using the livery manager, it does not work (In fact on the livery manager I can see to airlines on the installed liveries box), but under simobjects/airplanes, there is not the cfg file for the airlines.


    Also, on the livery manager the clickable boxes that say select livery to install and the removed selected liveries, the writing is blurry. I do not know what to do about this. Could you please advise? Could it be that the livery manager is corrupted

  3. Hi there, sorry to bother you again, I have followed the instruction of the manual and can´t install the liveries at all. In fact on the livery manager I can see installed as an example the scandinavian airline related to the 800NGX model, but once I open FSX, the modelled plane for the scandinavian airline is not there at all. I muest be doing something wrong, since I have no idea what else I can do to get this resolved. Regards

  4. Thanks, have now the livery manager located, once i open it as an admin, i browse to the ppt file but cannot install the livery. Guess i am doing something wrong, would you be kind to indicate me the steps i need to follow in order to be able to install the liveries, appreciate your help, regards, Juan

  5. Hello, thanks you very much for your help. I managed to successfully install the product


    I have another question. where can I get the livery manager to install liveries addons?

    hello there, thanks you very much for your help, I managed to successfully install the product following your instructions. I have another question, regarding the installation of the livery manager to add liveries from different airlines, since i cannot find the livery manager



  6. hello, I just bought the Boeing 737 pmdg ngx. Once I extract the files and right click on the PMDG 737 8900 NGX and run as an administrator, I get the following message, Unable to locate fsx.exe Unable to install. Could you please help me out, since I have no idea what to do about this?





  7. hello, I just bought the Boeing 737 pmdg ngx. Once I extract the files and right click on the PMDG 737 8900 NGX and run as an administrator, I get the following message, Unable to locate fsx.exe Unable to install. Could you please help me out, since I have no idea what to do about this?





  8. Hi all


    I have recently bought the Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold Edition. My new computer has Windows 8.1. Once I make an attempt to install the game by inserting CD, it briefly loads and then immediately a pop up window display with an error whcih say as follows: Install Shield 1628. failed to complete Installation. I would appreciate if someone could please give me some assistance to thsi problema, since I don´t know what to do about it





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