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Posts posted by ruijihin

  1. Hi.

    Please let me ask a question about SDK.


    I have tested the 777 SDK, to find that I cannot set MACH speed correctly with "EVT_MCP_MACH_SET" while

    other SET-MCP-VALUES events were perfectly working.


    My attempt is


     1. Flying at FL300 and  at Mach speed 0.80.

     2. Set IAS/MACH mode to "MACH mode".

     3. Run a program with following code.

          hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_SET_MACH, "#84135");


          //Header comment says "Sets MCP MACH (if active) to parameter*0.01 (e.g. send 78 to set M0.78)", so M0.600 is expected.


     4. The value of Mach indicator window is set to "0.780".

     5. Re-run the same program, then value is set to "0.762", then -> .746 -> .731 -> .718 ->->->->-> .604

     6. No value change after converging on .604.


    In addition, Setting from M0.600 to M0.800 was result in converging on .795 after several running,

    and the other setting events (IAS, HDG, ALT, V/S, FPA) worked as I expected.


    Is it caused by my wrong usage or bug ?

    And is there any other way to manage to set MACH ?



    Shunsuke Yamabe

  2. Hi.


    I would like to ask you about "TOO LOW FLAPS" warning in SP1.


    I often do Touch and Go training with 77L, and at that time, T/O flaps are 15 and APCH flaps are 20.

    With SP1, "TOO LOW FLAPS" warning awakes below 300ft, while it wouldn't WITHOUT SP1.


    Configurations and operations are following.


    * Fuel and Payload are 10%

    * In RTE page, same ARP is set to ORIG and DEST (RJGG), without any airways and fixes.

    * Departure and Landing RWY  are selected (36), without any SID, ARR and IAP.

    * PREFs are filled (Alt 1500, TO2/CLB2, Flaps 15 etc). 

    * In APPROACH page, flaps and speeds are set to "20/138".

    * Take-off WITHOUT TO/GA switch, and flaps remain 15, then fly traffic pattern completely manually.

    * At abeam threshold, set flaps to 20, lower gears, and make approach to RWY.

      (At about 300ft AGL, "TOO LOW FLAPS" awakes, and it calms down at 20ft.)

    * After touch down, set flaps to 15, thrust to 85% manually, then continue.


    I'm not sure this is right, but at least WITHOUT SP1, there were no problems.  I think there are two possibility.


    1. My configs and operations have been wrong so the WARNING should have awake but not by original bugs. This time, it was fixed in SP1.

    2. This is a new bug of SP1.


    Anyway, does anyone has any idea about this issue?

    If it caused by my wrong settings or operations, I would really appreciate telling me proper way of T/G trainings with 77L.



    Shunsuke Yamabe

  3. Hi.


    I would like to ask you about "TOO LOW FLAPS" warning in SP1.


    I often do Touch and Go training with 77L, and at that time, T/O flaps are 15 and APCH flaps are 20.

    With SP1, "TOO LOW FLAPS" warning awakes below 300ft, while it wouldn't WITHOUT SP1.


    Configurations and operations are following.


    * Fuel and Payload are 10%

    * In RTE page, same ARP is set to ORIG and DEST (RJGG), without any airways and fixes.

    * Departure and Landing RWY  are selected (36), without any SID, ARR and IAP.

    * PREFs are filled (Alt 1500, TO2/CLB2, Flaps 15 etc). 

    * In APPROACH page, flaps and speeds are set to "20/138".

    * Take-off WITHOUT TO/GA switch, and flaps remain 15, then fly traffic pattern completely manually.

    * At abeam threshold, set flaps to 20, lower gears, and make approach to RWY.

      (At about 300ft AGL, "TOO LOW FLAPS" awakes, and it calms down at 20ft.)

    * After touch down, set flaps to 15, thrust to 85% manually, then continue.


    I'm not sure this is right, but at least WITHOUT SP1, there were no problems.  I think there are two possibility.


    1. My configs and operations have been wrong so the WARNING should have awake but not by original bugs. This time, it was fixed in SP1.

    2. This is a new bug of SP1.


    Anyway, does anyone has any idea about this issue?

    If it caused by my wrong settings or operations, I would really appreciate telling me proper way of T/G trainings with 77L.



    Shunsuke Yamabe

  4. Hi.


    I would like to ask you about "TOO LOW FLAPS" warning in SP1.


    I often do Touch and Go training with 77L, and at that time, T/O flaps are 15 and APCH flaps are 20.

    With SP1, "TOO LOW FLAPS" warning awakes below 300ft, while it wouldn't WITHOUT SP1.


    Configurations and operations are following.


    * Fuel and Payload are 10%

    * In RTE page, same ARP is set to ORIG and DEST (RJGG), without any airways and fixes.

    * Departure and Landing RWY  are selected (36), without any SID, ARR and IAP.

    * PREFs are filled (Alt 1500, TO2/CLB2, Flaps 15 etc). 

    * In APPROACH page, flaps and speeds are set to "20/138".

    * Take-off WITHOUT TO/GA switch, and flaps remain 15, then fly traffic pattern completely manually.

    * At abeam threshold, set flaps to 20, lower gears, and make approach to RWY.

      (At about 300ft AGL, "TOO LOW FLAPS" awakes, and it calms down at 20ft.)

    * After touch down, set flaps to 15, thrust to 85% manually, then continue.


    I'm not sure this is right, but at least WITHOUT SP1, there were no problems.  I think there are two possibility.


    1. My configs and operations have been wrong so the WARNING should have awake but not by original bugs. This time, it was fixed in SP1.

    2. This is a new bug of SP1.


    Anyway, does anyone has any idea about this issue?

    If it caused by my wrong settings or operations, I would really appreciate telling me proper way of T/G trainings with 77L.



    Shunsuke Yamabe

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