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Posts posted by SouthportGuy

  1. I have a follow up question:


    As indicated above, I became a member of Navigraph. I installed new FMC data and have started using the Charts Cloud.


    I planned a route: CYYZ to KORD. The route I got from sky vector was JARVS V2 SVM V116 NEPTS V228 THORR. So I selected my SID but didn't enter my STAR because I was giving a shot at waiting until I was closer to KORD to listen to ATIS, get my available rrunways, then choose a STAR then.


    One problem is, as I got close to KORD 60-80nm out I kept trying to get ATIS (135.40) and ATIS never kicked in.


    My second problem is, using Navigraph, how can I know which STAR chart is the arrival chart to use? When I bring up the STAR charts I have no idea if the waypoint at the beginning of the STAR is anywhere near the last point in the route above (THORR)?

  2. I use a gaming laptop (see specs in my sig) and during my flight I notice two things:


    When I open the ATC window the text won't show up most of the time. Sometimes the ATC window won't open at all.

    When I try to run GSX, when the menu opens the text is gone/not visible. Also noticed that AI traffic is often mostly not visible (all I will see are the AI vehicle tires running along the ground). This happens a lot of the time.


    Before I purchased the 777 I got some fair warning that it may push the limits of my computer. But since I don't run any other addons (weather, airports) that the sim should work ok with PMDG. I guess the only addon would be GSX and may be the straw that is breaking the camel's back.


    When doing my flight, in VC everything looks great. Flight is smooth, cockpit looks great. weather looks great. Half the time pressing F11 to see outside view results in not seeing any of the exterior textures of the 777.


    Just wondering if it's a matter of a few adjustments or something that required reconfig.

  3. Try the FMC. Press the  VNAV button. Go to the next page which should be ACT ECON CRZ 2/3.  Look on line 4 second from the left.  OPT is the optimum altitude. When selecting the altitude to fly at take into consideration post #2 first sentence.

    That did the trick!  Was able to do the complete flight from gate to gate. Thanks for helping guys.

  4. Quit trying to fly at max alt. and plan your flight for optimum alt. Your flights are screwed before they ever leave the ground.

    As a newer 777 user I don't know how to determine what my optimum alt is. Perhaps a better way to answer is to not just say " Quit trying to fly at max alt. and plan your flight for optimum alt." and give me a more direct step on how to determine what that optimum alt should be. The FCOM2 page doesn't explain it (when searching for words "optimum", "cruise", and "altitude"). I've also been Googling trying to find the answer believe me.

     You don't "trial and error" a Boeing 777. Much of your purchase price went to those documentation that came with the aircraft, make sure they are worth the money spent.

    You don't trial and error Boeing 777 in real life. You can absolutely trial and error a Boeing 777 in FSX. Which is exactly how I learned the 747.


    Not everybody learns by textbook. This is a very frustrating comment that I keep seeing from others who think they are trying to help. I know people get upset when newbs ask what you think are questions easily answered if they were just wired the same way you are. Well, not everyone is wired nor learns the same way you do. I learn by reading manuals and working with other good-hearted people who don't get bent out of shape with playing an instructor role.


    I honestly try to think of ways to not ask questions. I open the pdf's, I search the pdf's using the search feature, I search Youtube. I work to steer away from even having to come into a forum and ask a question which often inevitably results in some kind of "Well duh!" response.


    If there is a better instructor friendly sub-forum in this site I'd be happy to move there in order to not bother the more experienced users here if that helps.

  5. Hi,


    I've had some trouble planning a route over the past several weeks. As I ask for help please understand, while I know the common (and frustrating answer I get) is "just read the manual", not everyone learns best from a manual. I learn best by reading support materials and then working in conjunction with an instructor.


    I had success programming the route and then flying the specific tutotial to Dubai. Upon trying to program my own flight I started having issues.


    Product PMDG777

    My Route:

    CYYZ to CYWG

    Skyvector gave me a suggested route of AVSEP2 SSM DCT GOVIT GOVIT4


    OK. So in FMC I enter my dep and arrival locations.

    Then click"DEP" to choose my runway and SID departure but AVSEP2 is not a valid SID according to my FMC.

    So I go ahead and choose ARROW2 as an alternate SID.

    I go to pg 2 of my route page to enter the specific waypoints of my route and I get "VECTORS". I don't know how to get around this vectors thing. And when I try to enter an airway it tells me "INVALID ENTRY". How can it be invalid? the Skyvector directions give this specific route. How is it not a valid airway?


    In the end, all I'm trying to do is plan and enter my own route into the FMC without any glitches and I have had zero success in doing so.




    May I ask you why such a decision? Sticking to the max altitude is neither realistic nor it is fuel efficient. If you want to stick to an altitude no matter what then you should stick to the optimum level.

    Because I've been flying the 747 for two years and I'm trying to learn to fly the 777. Flying the optimum level is good idea but not my concern at this point of my training as the tutorial does not explicitly require me to do that step. Using the tutorial and planning my own route is my goal today.

    You said you did fly successful for once following the tutorial then not anymore after that?

    No, I said I flew the tutorial with total success (using the destinations and routing required in the tutorial). Since then I've had no luck successfully planning my own route and flying it all the while having the tutorial manual open. I'm getting closer and making progress but I've run into a snag.

  7. Hi,

    I would strongly suggest that you fly the tutorial that comes with it.

    I've been simming for a couple of years now. I just chose to follow the max attitude indicated by the fmc. I flew the tutorial with total success. Since then I've had no luck successfully planning my own route and flying it all the while having the tutorial manual open. Trust me, I'm following every step in the manual tutorial. The variable is the route I've entered.

  8. After weeks of trial and error I was able to successfully plan and load a route into FMC.


    When I entered my cruise alt of FL380 it told me my max cruise for this route was FL353. OK. So I set it for FL353. Take-off, ascent goes fine, waypoints crossed etc. Now, my problem occurred when I was almost reaching T/D and I was waiting for the FMC to tell me RESET MCP ALTITUDE but this message never came. Instead once I reached T/D I got UNABLE CRZ ALT instead and thus my altitude never started dropping.


    What did I miss?


    Tried Google search for this problem but didn't find an answer for my exact situation.

  9. When entering the route into the FMC, When I select my departure runway it then shows the available SIDs. Why is the SID that a tool like Flight Aware suggested not available on the FMC screen?


    Here is the route I was given: AVSEP2 SSM YQT GOVIT GOVIT6. For for runway 33R AVSEP2 doesn't exist as an available SID. And runway 33R is the active runway.

  10. Since I'm very new to flying routes I have a question. I'm used to flying IFR with atc giving me all of my vectors. How would ATC be interacted with in a situation like the PMDG tutorial where the routing is "calling the shots" as to altitude/vectors? I'm so used to ATC spanking me for any wrong moves I make with heading and altitude.

  11. As long as you're flying in the US or Canada, you can get routes off of sites like FlightAware, but you can also use SimBrief, as you've found.


    I'd argue, though, that you'd have a better experience if you learned how to route yourself. You don't need to do that all the time (I still snag routes off of FlightAware regularly, to save time, when I can), but it helps you understand the route structure more completely, and answer questions before you even have them.


    Here's a very old video I made that's a visual version of a tutorial I'd written here on AVSIM:





    You aren't, actually. We gave that example in the tutorial to make things simple and keep all the entries together. You can certainly put it off until later in the flight if you'd like. Keep in mind, though, that you can change it rather easily by going back to the DEP/ARR page and selecting a different approach.

    I'm viewing your youtube tutorial and I've hit a snag. In Airnav.com, for airport CYYZ scrolling to the bottom to show the Instrument Procedures it says "There are no published instrument procedures at CYYZ."

  12. (Context: I've been flying FSX for a year almost everyday. Used to direct IFR and VFR flights. Now I'm a newb to PMDG and using routes properly.)


    I really enjoyed the PMDG tutorial for flying to Dubai. The step by step instruction on how to program the route into the FMC went fine. What I'm having trouble with is practicing finding my own routes and then entering them properly into the FMC.


    When I use a tool like Simbrief to save/copy/paste the route file, when loading the route into FMC something goes wrong. "Do I have the SID selected properly?" I ask myself. Is the SID connecting properly with the route? So I'm not sure how I'm able to really know if the route I've entered is valid and will work.


    If the flight is IFR and you don't yet know what runway the ATC at your dest will assign to you, why am I asked to enter the STARS at the start of the flight if I have no clue what runway I will receive yet?

  13. I've managed to find the solution to the other problem I shared in post #5. Instead of saving the route (rte) file to the 77 flightplan folder, I saved the pln file. It worked now. Thanks!

  14. Some more help please. I used Simbrief to create a flight plan and then saved it to my Flight Plans folder in PMDG. I then went into the sim and tried to load the plan into my FMC. The FMC says the plan is not in the database. What am I doing wrong?

  15. Is a product like PFPX required for users to use the 777?


    I have successfully flown the tutorial 1 flight to Dubai. Now I want to create my own flight. But when programming the departure entry and route entry it seemed that I need to be able know the desired airway and it's name. In the tutorial, the airway is told to you in the instructions. Now I just need help in knowing how to find research the airways/routing options and how to pick them properly. For instance, I'm trying to fly CYYZ to CYWG.


    Edit: Very sorry about not signing the post. I wil edit my profile so that I will have a signature right away. Apologies.

  16. OK, now I know why my start up procedure works for me.  My default flight is set up


    using the Baron and I have my mixture set at full rich.  That's the reason, when someone


    asks about how to do a Cold and Dark start up, I always suggest that aircraft because of the


    switches and Prop levers/mixture controls.

    Yeah, As I replied to you in the other forum, the flaw was in my startup config. Cause I had the king air in the cold and dark as my default some time ago.

  17. Sometimes engines won't ignite properly. After you've engaged the starters and have the engine at N2, press CTRL+SHIFT+F4 and it should light and spool up normally.

    The key combination is for controlling mixture in prop planes and I have no idea why FSX keeps track of it in jets, but it does work for me.

    That worked! Finally!!! I appreciate the tip. So gratifying to hear the engine fire up without having to use ctrl+e. Thanks Bjoern.

  18. That wasn't my 747 console, just an image on the Internet.  This will take some practice


    on your part.  You aren't planning to blow up the White House are you?? :huh:  


    Just looking through your photobucket!  2nd picture down of the upper


    panel the 4 black engine start switches are centered just above


    horizontal centerline.  Just like with flying the ILS, this will take some time and patience.


    OK. I guess I will keep on practicing. But I will add, when I do hit CTRL+E and watch the sim do the startup automatically, once the first engine is running it turns the avionics master switch to the "Bat" position which if you hover over it says "Avionics Master 'on'.


    You'd think that if I just copied the steps I can observe the sim doing that it would work . . .but no. :(

    You aren't planning to blow up the White House are you?? :huh: 


    LOL. No. I'm just a 3D artist who has sold some models and images.

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