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Posts posted by Col1948

  1. Sorted!!!  Someone on another website told me I needed the FTX Libraries or the other scenery won't work, I never knew it is located withing the FTX Central 3 installer, the file is right at the bottom and I mist it when I was installing the other scenery.

    It should be in big block letters on the website for new users what files are needed first and it would save them/us a lot of time and trouble.

    Any way it is all working now and it looks good.

  2. I just bought EU England scenery, installed it via the FTX Central 3, I go in FSX selected my local airport Manchester EGCC, the scenery was a mess, it was nothing but large squares and some were water.

    I went online to find a cure and one topic said to uninstall Orbx, delete the Shader from FSX and do a repair.  I found 2 shader files one was called 'Shaders' the other 'Shaders10' so I backed them up before deleting then moved them outside the sim.
    When I started FSX again the squares were still there so then I disabled the Orbx in the scenery folder and then the squares had gone but obviously back to the default scenery.

    They were labelled in the scenery folder:

    FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY (Priority1)

    FTX_EU_ENG_06_CVX          (Priority2)

    FTX_EU_ENG_07_MESH       (Prioriy3)

    FTX_EU_ENG_08_CUSTOM (Priority4)

    If I just disable CUSTOM and leave the others the squares go but the scenery stays as default.

    So do I uninstall Orbx and do a FSX repair and have to go through the whole download thing again, if so this is a pain?  I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit as well if that means anything?


  3. I have tried various aircraft and I'm sure the Cessna is one of them, what is VS mode?
    I went on FSX today and flew a few aircraft using the Garmin which is slightly different to the one in XP, but having said that I found it a lot better, I will be honest I have had FS9 and FSX for a long time and mainly do a lot of ai stuff so don't fly very much.
    I do like some of the aircraft in XP and I also like the scenery but after spending a lot of money buying the boxed version and a few payware aircraft I feel a bit disappointed.

  4. I know this is an old thread but I have recently got XP11, I'm glad I read this because it's been driving me nuts in the last few days.  On some aircraft there is no AP so I then choose another one.

    I searched for ages on one aircraft, then I goggled it only to find a post where someone else had the same problem and the reply was from the author of the plane and he said he forgot to do that it was on his to-do list, shame because it is a nice aircraft.

    So now if I set a course in Garmin I have to climb to the desired altitude before I can select the AP and ALT hold by then I've flown a good few miles off course.

  5. For some strange reason when I create a VFR flightplan for an AI aircraft it reaches the destination airfield then veers off.
    I did a search on here and Google but couldn't really find an answer, it isn't the airfield that is at fault because it happens on many more.
    If I create a IFR plan it works no problem, also no matter what aircraft I pick it does the same, I use TTools by the way to create my plans, any ideas please?


  6. 16

    I wonder if anyone can help, I recently intalled some UK2000 scenery, I decided I didn't like it and took it off, later I modified an AFCAD saved it as normal (I've done others before by the way) but when the sim restarted I noticed it didn't update, I went in to the modified airfield only to notice nothing had changed.
    I tried this a few times but no joy, also I noticed the AFCAD program couldn't find the modified airport or any others in the add-on scenery folder, so something has somehow hid it from the sim or disabled it, I searched the sim for clues and searched online but most threads are about how to add scenery and activate it, where as these are just AFCADS in the add-on scenery/scenery folder.


    Has naybody else had this problem and if so what was/is the cure please?


    I have the up to date AFCAD program in case anyone suggests and I did reinstall it just in case.

  7. After returning to FS9 after a few years I feel embarrassed to ask this because i used to do a lot with ai aircraft and flight plans but I'm missing something here, this is what my problem is:


    I create a flight plan for an ai aircraft to fly from one airport to another both in the USA, I use Traffic Tool Box to look for the aircraft, lots of others there but not the ai I want, I also use Traffic View Board but neither show the aircraft, the airports have plenty of room as well so no problem there, the flight plan is OK too as far as I'm aware because TTools generates it without a problem.


    Now if I alter the flight plan and replace the US airports with 2 UK airports the ai aircraft is there and works OK.


    I was wondering if any of my general settings are at fault, I have the sim set Northern/Western, I tried altering that but it made no difference, also why do the other flyable plus ai aircraft show in the US but not this one yet it shows in the UK?


    I know Traffic Tool Box uses GMT and Traffic Veiw Board uses Local time but altering the times and searching I still can't find this ai, I have other ai flying from the UK to the US and one or two of them fly and arrive OK but I can't find them if I look for their departure from the US to the UK, so I'm either not setting my time right or something else is wrong, so any ideas please?

  8. Well I recently returned to FS after a long spell of doing other things, when I was on it before I had a decent PC and it ran both FS9 and FSX not too bad though there was always room for improvement but finds were not there at the time so I was stuck with what I had.


    Now I only have a laptop, I ma running FS9 from an external drive, but it isn't too bad, no stutters at the moment and I have been loading a fair bit of ai as well.

    In time I may well get a better system but again funds are an issue as I'm retired now and on a pension but I'm enjoying being back.


    If this scenery is just load and leave it with hardly any load to the system then something like this is what I want, one thing though it doesn't plant trees all over the place does it, in the past i've seen things like this and I've had trees in the middle of airports?

  9. I finally got a response from Flight1, this is their message:




    Computer security is quite common to cause this. If you have any security that affects your Internet connection, such as a firewall addin or something, then this could be the problem. You have to make sure none of these are loaded and causing problems.

    If you ran through these and still have issues, some customers have had success by booting in Safe Mode with Network Support and try it there.


    Jeff Smith
    Flight One Software

  10. Thanks that looks good, I will look there, as you say I may be lucky and dodged the bullet. :-)


    As for the payment with Flight1 it was a bit unusual, I selected PayPal but the wheel just kept spinning and a message saying trying to connect, so I gave up and selected bank card which SEEMED to go through and my name came up on that payment but the next process never happened.

  11. I paid by bank card as I said above it wouldn't accept PayPal, I checked my bank statement and no they haven't taken payment but I have paid for things in the past in advance and some companies don't always take the money straight away, so if I do as you suggest I may end up paying twice.


    As an example my central heating boiler broke and I paid in advance last week for the engineer and they haven't yet taken the money, I would hate to pay for that one twice lol.


    I came back to add:

    The message I sent to Flight1 they sent me a ticket number, when I access it through the link they sent there is no reply and as I stated above no emails from them either.

  12. Is there anybody on this forum connected to Flight1 that could help me please, I checked again this morning but still no word from them.

    As I said above I sent them a message directly from one of their web pages but as you can gather they have not replied.

    I know the price of the software was on offer and I have paid for it but can't use it till they send me this wrap thing to activate it.


    i've recently returned to the sim and I did use Flight1 years ago and got the software no problem, I even remember swapping my PC and they sent me a new activation code, but things have change obviously.


    I do have a flight1 account but constantly checking there says my shopping cart is empty.


    Any help appreciated.

  13. Well an update:


    All the above took place yesterday around late afternoon, this morning still nothing, does anybody know the Flight1 customer service contact please, because on their site all the problem contacts seem to relate to everything but that particular software that incidentally isn't on their list when I do a search, I'm wondering if this advert is genuine.


    I'll pursue it later.

  14. I purchased FScene4X advertised in the top right corner of this site, I downloaded the software then I went through a process of having to register with Flight1 then I went to purchase the product, I had the selection of using my bank card or PayPal.

    I chose PayPal, then it said it was getting the PayPal account page that never appeared, so then I selected Bank Card, this worked to a degree.

    It then said it would send me a key code, nothing happened, so I went on my account on Flight1 website, it said my cart was empty, I tried to contact their customer support but it seemed to be sending me in circles so I never contacted them.

    When I click on the page I have where I purchased it keeps popping up saying processing this may take a MINUTE, then the validation is greyed out so by the looks of things it is still processing, what a joke.

    I know this is supposed to stop piracy but it will stop me buying anything else from them.


    anyone else had this problem?

  15. Hello everyone have, I'm back to FS after a long spell, I am only running it on a laptop at the moment but it's not too bad.

    I don't have the sliders on max or any fancy scenery.

    I've recently set up some ai aircraft and slowly catching up with some of the newer stuff that came out after I left the sim, I do have FSX but it won't run on this machine, or not very well anyway so for now I'm still with FS9.


    Any way my first question, I always like to have a quick look at the map just to see where I am out of interest, but in the last couple of days it doesn't update, when I click on it it just shows the AC at the start airport and this is after I've been flying for a while, I know I'm well away from there, so any ideas please?

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