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Posts posted by christian83

  1. On 13/10/2017 at 6:16 PM, Cargostorm said:

    Before upgrading to 4.1, are there any problems with other Simconnect addons such as Ivap (IVAO), vPilot (VATSIM), iFMS or The Lord of the Landings?

    Do those apps work?

    IVAO works for me although I had a problem with simconnect and I have had to format my computer and reinstall everything from scrach

  2. 20 hours ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    For one of my PCs the windows update installer ran, then initiated a restart, tries to load OS and greeted with BSOD and the Win10 unhappy face. I couldn't even get into safe mode, repair got me back into Win10 but much was not working correctly.  Ultimately it was a wipe and re-install OS from scratch.

    Cheers, Rob.

    I've just had to do the same this weekend.


    I think I have to do it every 2 years, been updating since FS 95, and always the same, as soon as something needs updated after a while it messes verything up and i have to format and start from scratch. Luckily my computer is dedicated to the sim but that's very boring

  3. 22 hours ago, Chapstick said:

    Are the rain effects supposed to be an improvement over what we've had in the past, or what? I'm confused. They look dated by about 10 years.

    haha same question here

    also, when we speak about rain effect, do we speak about rain on the winshield or in the air ?

  4. 21 hours ago, vc10man said:

    Precisely. Mine's the same theory. Nothing as powerful as the OP's system, but I get smooth flights.

    same here, most important is having smooth flights. I get some strange changes from 100 fps to 25fps but I live with as long as it's fluid

  5. Hi,


    I wanted to introduce myself, I live in France and have been flying 20 years ago when I was younger. Now that I have retired, I have a A320 cockpit home and make a great use of it.


    I'm here to find some information when I encounter dififculties in the sim, and discuss also the new things which always come out every day.


    Although I don't post too much, I read a lot of the discussions here and very interested in what I can read.





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