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Posts posted by dyszka89

  1. It probably won't underspeed. If you are over the commanded speed, you'll get a "DRAG REQUIRED" message in the scratchpad and/or an A/T yellow light, depending on your options.


    It sounds to me like you're most likely getting fast on descent/approach. There are a bunch of threads that deal with that problem.


    And if, for some reason, you were to get a disconnect of the A/T (haven't seen it except for failures) you should take over. I often intervene on the A/T. Most often, it's on descent with the A/T in ARM, but that's not all. Sometimes in cruise, you'll need to pull the throttles back a bit to prevent over speed. These probably aren't your situation.

    It's what you write coincide. Tomorrow I will try to test my new knowledge into practice, I set myself the windy approach and see what happens. We thank you for your answers, I'll talk more tomorrow :)

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