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Posts posted by Alphazulumike

  1. 3 hours ago, W2DR said:

    The turbo speed of the 8700 is 4.6Ghz. The maximum overclock on  the 8700K is probably going to be 5.1-5.2Ghz. So, what does that extra 10% in speed get you? Probably no more 6-7% increase in framerate. But the difference in price between the 8700 and the 8700K is more than just the $50 for the CPU. You'll  have to allow for additional cooling as well and that's probably another $50-200. If it were me, and it will be soon (I hope), I'd go for the 8700 and forget about the OC..........Doug

    Thanks for the reply. I'll probably go with the unlocked version.

  2. 2 hours ago, AnkH said:

    To be honest: the all-core Turbo is 4.3GHz, the 4.6GHz you only get if only a single core is used. And yes, Prepar3d v4.x will use all available cores resulting in a max. clock speed of 4.3GHz "only". While I totally agree that those 10% would not make that much of a difference, 5.0GHz vs. 4.3GHz is already 16%. This still does not make the difference between unplayable and completely fluid, in heavy scenarios it might however be a nice extra. For me, everything below 20FPS is unbearable, and with the 8700K you have some overhead compared to the 8700. 

    But, as Doug pointed out correctly, the "ideal" setup of an 8700K comes along with higher clocked RAM (3200MHz or more) and a better cooling solution, adding some $ on this side. You budget of 1500$ should however allow this easily.

    Thanks. I've decided to settle with 8700k. However, it is kind of hard to squeeze an 8700k and a GTX 1070 into a 1500 dollar budget, as of now. Probably best to wait until GPU prices come down, I suppose (thank you, bitcoin miners, for that).

  3. I'm planning to build a PC with around $1500 budget. I've got my eyes on the new coffee lake i7s for my CPU. However, I'm seeng that there's around $40-50 difference between the 8700k and the 8700 (non-k version).

    Is it really worth spending that extra 50 for overclocking capability? Does overclocking really have a unanimous gain in perfomance in P3D? Please help.

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