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Posts posted by g3rman42

  1. Whenever I however over a button that shows a label in the Dash 8 my view zooms out like crazy (see screenshot). After a couple of seconds it returns to the normal view.

    Makes flying a decent landing difficult ;)


    Running ChasePlane 1.595



  2. Recently switched from EzDok to ChasePlane.

    One of the things I noticed is that when I'm punching my flightplan into the FMC or typing anything into the simulator (saving a scenario for example) anytime I hit the "A" or "S" keys (switch between inside/outside cameras, go to next camera - respectively) the view changes. EzDok did not exhibit this behavior. Any thoughts if there is a fix for this?

  3. Greetings all.

    I searched the forums but haven't been able to find a solution.

    With ChasePlane I have a constant red "Cockpit View - ChasePlane - 0.50 Zoom" or whatever view I happen to be in, in the upper right corner.

    WIth EzDok this disappeared after a few seconds, but with ChasePlane it stays put.


    Anybody know how to disable this permanently or how to make it go away after a timeout?



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