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Posts posted by mjuvancic

  1. Hi, UTL or not, asside from aircrafts, this addon alone is on the pricey side of the addons for the sim. Granted, it is brilliant when it works and might be just worth the money when it does, but more often then not we are left frustrated - v7 is in a half finished state. It is in alpha state of release only it isn't, it has been fully released. And that is going on for more than a year now. Users, who bought the addon (not just tried it for a limited amount of time) are very stoic about it. Hey nice of us, however this does not mean we believe we have got what we had paid for. And this is a second version bought (v6: 60eur! + v7:35eur discounted=95 eur!). v6 was very decent, v7 is not. UTL bridge was anounced by the developer himself if i remember correctly (and I prefer the  injection of traffic the way UTL does it, without writing additional hundreds of files in world directory and most importantly it is an install and forget thing). VFR bug is there from the beginning. Choose Proceedure Pronunciation Editor and see what happens: nothing. Etc. Of course I could buy other addons, but I have invested in this one and want this one to finally work. When I get a one liner of fixed bugs and added features after a year I would prefer not to get an update at all, it feels like someone is mocking us. Such a minor fix does not even deserve an itteration number, the fifth decimal maybe. I'll take it all back if 7.43 comes out in a week with all major issues fixed, but even that would be half a year too late to not leave a bad aftertaste.


  2. +1 noticed the same bug. i got stuck with the instruction to demand freq change only to be told by the ground either "calsign...go ahead" or "contact tower on.." Repeating the request in the first case did not change anything and changing the freq to contact tower resulted in the instruction to go back to ground freq where the instruction for change of freq permission was displayed again. Trying different options to get unstuck finally resulted in me being able to contact tower and proceed but never openned my flightplan. I then tried expert mode but got frustrated because of p3d default freq being different from the latest airac cycles and with the specifics and perks of saying things like gate one seven instead of seventeen. probably need to do more voxatc to get used to specific expressions - i would not say the expert mode is much more liberal in communication, the phrase needs to be very much spot on or you get say again. Lastly the lack of the development progress is starting to annoy me. I have been the user of 6 (a good product) and now 7, has invested, compared to other addons, a significant amount of money in it, and am still stuck with this buggy, sort of an early beta software (being promissed the utl bridge, too) for more than a year now, but with no com from the developer and no updates announced. It is a brilliant addon which just needs to be finished and cleaned of bugs. But with a year in between without any news from the developer, it seems it will never happen.

  3. Hi Keven,

    any news on the chaseplane + flyinside compatibility? at the moment there is quite an akward adhoc solution with the renaming of cameras which makes flyinside usable but messes with the use of chaseplane. I love both of the software but I use oculus for GA a2a comanche, beaver etc flying and fly pmdg737 without oculus, where chaseplane comes to shine. I know it is probably not your top priority but still seems the problem lies more in the toggle (re)naming staff rather then hard coding.

    PS liked your presentation at cosworth and I do religiouslly follow the skylounge recently, good debates there, funny too

    Cheers, Matt

  4. Hi Bob, these days there is not much time for flying but I did go check today to answer your question. I was not paying much attention to specifics of ATC chatter recently.. It works like this: I see both default pacifica, orbit, etc AI aircraft and UTL AI aircraft like united, alaska, etc. VOXATC uses, generates traffic, moves and communicates with the default ones, so you will hear orbit called and pacifica called. How do I know that VOXATC generates those AI: because I have P3d traffic settings at zero %, GA and airline. and I have VOXATC traffic set at 50%. FPS wise running both kinds of traffic is not ideal :D "Those sich default ai" do their job - share the skys with me and communicate! UTL is at the moment purely for visual effect and liveliness, local feel and variety at the airports.

    Kind regards,


  5. Hi Bob, I am using UTL, too (with no bridge obviously). As per UTL instructions I have the P3D4 traffic settings at 0%. And UTL generates traffic to percentage set in UTL settings. VOXATC creates its own traffic independently from P3D settings, as it did in previous versions. It is important that you set the percentage of it in the VOXATC settings, I have it arround 40% I guess. Everything works ok, except for a fact that UTL and VOXATC do not talk to each other. Thatfor the planes controlled by one or the other could be in conflict. I have not seen much of 'collisions' as both traffic settings are not set very high. And if they happen, they happen, I rather have that breech of consistency then empty airports and zero atc chater. cheers, matt.

  6. +1 I have the exact same problem. Despite choosing the correct output in VoxATC Voice Config I always get the sound through speakers instead of headset. Mind you, it worked as it should in v6 with the same hardware setup. I will try the above suggested solution as I do have realtek, but does anybody know of some voxatc config file e.g. .ini or .cfg that I could modify by hand and be done with the matter more efficiently?

  7. The update is a significant advancement, at least in my case. ATC hears me now in PMDG737, A2A planes have VOXATC panel now. I did uninstall existing VOXATC 7.something version and installed the 7.41 (I did not unistall VoxPopBase and Voices, no need) and it works this way.

    I also did a very short checkout vfr flight. The issue that I had was: after reporting positions to tower, the tower does recognise my input, turns blue, then responds something in the line of 'go ahead', I need to respond with 'disregard...' and only after that I get the correct response from ATC, saying to report the next position.

    Will test it further as soon as I will have some spare time. But all in all a nice improvement!

    cheers, matt

  8. I think it would be useful for the developer to gather all the issues we are having with the new version in one topic. I have used V6 intensively so I know how it is when it really works. V7 is not there yet, maybe we can help bringing it there. I sure hope, that it will be a smooth experience at some point rather sooner than later. For me, this is one of the crucial pieces of the flightsim experience, right there with A2As, PMDGs, ActiveSkys, PTAs and ORBXs. Here are mine issues - as far as I have read this are all know issues, but scattered all over the place and I could not find PMDG one again:

    - A2A Comanche - indexer does not add the VOX panel to this airplane
    - PMDG 737 + fs2crew - ATC does not 'hear' me (not an issue with a push to talk button and not an issue with a voice recognition)
    - UTL the bridge is missing
    + in Milviz Beaver DHC2 VOCATC works as it is supposed to - VOX panel is among the panels and ATC 'understands' my microphone input

    Cheers, Matt

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