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Posts posted by doopydoo

  1. On 12/20/2018 at 6:32 PM, kiek said:

    In the Manual, section 1.1.3 you can read:

    If you have not installed the SimConnect Client you will see a message like this when you start the 32bit PSXseeconTraffic.exe: “This application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect, etc..

    The wonders haven't left the world (crappy literal translation of a Dutch saying). I fixed it. Apparently it was my firewall all along, even when I explicitly disabled the firewall before the program never started. On all 3 pc's it did not. Even an exception for the file inside the firewall file settings didn't fix it.

    However, due to an unrelated issue and being fed up with the firewall (Comodo) causing issues on one pc. I uninstalled the whole thing all together and decided to stick to Windows Defender instead. And lo and behold: PSXeeconTraffic starts again.

    So for anyone using Comodo firewall and having issues. Get rid of it entirely and the program will start.

  2. After all these months, still haven't been able to start the program (PSXseeconTraffic64 and neither the 32 bit error). There are 3 win 10 64 bit pc's in the house, 1 one of them was even freshly reinstalled at some point and even then it didn't start. Only in safe mode. The program starts on all 3 WIN 10 pc's in safe mode. But in normal mode, nothing. Double-click, and no error, nothing on the PSXseeconTraffic64.exe .

    The PSXseeconTraffic.exe does come with a remark: "Application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect."

    Last months when I was in the mood, I tried all kinds of things. Even that fresh install of win 10 didn't solve anything. On neither of 3 pc's. Very odd. But in safe mode everything is fine, on all 3 win 10 pc's in the house.

  3. Hello.

    Excuse me for or necro'ing the thread, however it is useful information.

    I have run into the same issue, on 2 Windows 10 64 bit pc's. One which was a fresh install as of 2 weeks ago. The 3 app's work in safe mode only on both pc's. I double checked everything. In normal boot the apps refuse to launch, in the process explorer I can see a short attempt to startup rundll32.

    All the other unrelated apps that use such features/dll's seem to function just fine. I am scratching my head here, I tried everything. And it seems totally random. I did a scan to check if there are any corrupt files, none found.

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