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Garry Scanlan

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Posts posted by Garry Scanlan

  1. astough - you said

    "If you are not using the Sky Force weather engine: you can keep Sky Force closed as Environment Force will move cloud and sky textures automatically as well as models. "

    Does this mean I do not have to make any selections on the 3D Model Structures page?

    In fact, do I need to make any selections at all in SkyForce if using Env Force?



  2. kingm56 - just so we're clear: when I say 'frozen' I'm referring to lack of animation not ice.😉

    bbuckley - the impression I get from rstough's comments re WWA is that WWA handles ground textures for most default airports and will take priority over Texture Direct, so that is why airports can be disabled in Tex Dir. It also seems possible however, to overwrite WWA textures from Texture Direct if you want to.

    bosflo - I think astough is referring to the page in SkyForce accessed by hitting the settings icon [cog wheel] and then the cloud sync cube icon at the bottom of the page. One can then disable the sync option if you're not using the built in weather engine or enable the sync option if you are.

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  3. rstough

    Thank you so much for the clarification.

    BTW - I'm loving Environment Force.

    And if I could just prevail on you one more time, could you just tell me why despite the relatively small size of the program, 10Gbs of disk space is required by EF?

    Thanks again


  4. Hello - point taken, 188AHC.

    I mention P3D v4.5 in my first sentence.

    Rig Spec:

    P3D v4.5; Win10; 

    ASUS Prime x370 mobo;

    AMD R7 1700X o/c 4GHz;

    AMD XFX o/c [clk 1430 / mem 2000] RX580 8Gb;

    16Gb 2666Hz RAM;

    Corsair 110 Cooling;

    34" LG Freesync UW monitor;

    120Gb SSD - Win 10 OS;

    1Tb SSD - P3D + 3HDD [5Tb];

    Thermaltake case;

    Corsair K50 keyboard;

    Cambridge 2.1 speakers;

    ASUS XONAR DX soundcard;

    CH Yoke;

    TM pedals.



  5. Hello

    I would like to run this by y'all to check I'm doing things correctly in P3D v4.5 where REX products are concerned:

    I own REX Texture Direct, REX Sky Force, REX Environment Force and REX Worldwide Airports.

    I use Texture Direct for ground textures only, so I do not check the following: Clouds/Effects; Skies; Sun/Effects; Sound Effects plus no link to REX Weather Architect. I believe Sky Force and Environment Force handle cloud and sky textures now.

    I believe by not checking these boxes, these settings: Clouds, Skies, Sun Effects and sound effects will not load from Texture Direct.

    I do check: Water & Wave Animation; Runway/Taxiway; Airports. I believe that by checking these, these textures are installed.

    Is this correct?

    As for Sky Force, I  believe if I sync Environment Force with Sky Force, it uses the cloud and sky textures from Sky Force and also overrides or deactivates [for want of better terminology] the Sky Force settings. And that is all Sky Force is good for now, a source of textures for Environment Force.

    Is this correct?

    Now, with World Wide Airports we have a duplication with Texture Direct in respect of the ground textures [runways, signage, markings etc.]. So I assume that whatever textures are loaded last will be the active textures in the sim, irrespective of source.

    Is this correct?

    In respect of ground textures, does this mean I need not use Texture Direct at all and instead I could use World Wide Airports for ground textures if I so wish [and vice versa]? Is it important to have the Water & Wave Animation working from Texture Direct, though, or does this happen by some other mechanism now???

    Where Environment Force is concerned, if I use it, my water effects are 'frozen'. Planes and ships 'bob' and produce wakes but there is no water or wave animation. I guess this is not related to other REX product settings, or is it?

    Thanks in advance.




  6. WarpD - OK I believe I am aware of that.

    So it seems I want to see "auto view when values change" hints.

    It's tricky operating the CH yoke throttle/prop/mix with any precision with your right hand, moving the mouse over the vc with your left to see the changes and keeping your middle hand on the yoke.

    It just seems to me that auto pop ups would be a tremendous improvement. I am stunned that the mouse method was even considered in the first place,

    I don't need yet another reason to take a hand off the yoke. Maybe it's because I'm left-handed.......


    Bert - that sounds way way above my capabilities.

    Thanks to you both.

  7. don't install latest driver 19.5.2 it craps out again - at least it did for me.

    Also it seems updating P3D to v4.5.12.xxxx also makes it word not allowed out.

    however I uninstalled using the Display Driver Utility [DDU] and reinstalled 19.4.3 and all is good again.

  8. Phew! I'm relieved to hear I'm not that stupid after all!

    Thanks Dave and Tamsini.

    So I can assume the academic content never changes, it's like a 'core' and updates are handled via the other 3 elements.

    Now, where do I find that cart and donkey...?? lol

    I have one issue after updating to v4.5.12.x, the menu bar items do not work - I can't load or save anything or change planes or bring up FSUIPC for example. Does anyone have any suggestions for a fix?




  9. Hello

    Can I ask what I hope are not stupid questions:

    Does the 'academic' content [39.2gb] ever change/get updated?

    If I update 'client' only, what am I missing out on if I don't install the 'scenery' and 'content' updates?




  10. You, sir, are a genius. I don't know why I didn't think of it.

    I tried to map into FSUIPC but couldn't, but was able to  map alt+tab to my Corsair K50, so it's a one touch operation now.

    However I'm still open to suggestions for using yhe joystick button!




  11. Ray, Over the past 25 years odd or so I've only bought AMD based systems  [initially on the advice of software engineer pal] and generally been happy, plus keeping competition alive..but when you can't use all the features of a product because of the maker you have to seriously reconsider the wisdom of your choice -  and I now understand from reading some posts it seems this issue has been around since 2017(!).

  12. Hi All


    I'm tired of having to use the mouse to flit between the sim and Plan G. Oh how I miss my second monitor!

    is it possible to assign a command to a yoke button that would toggle between the two?

    I'm using the CH Flightsim yoke.



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