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Posts posted by m33

  1. On 7/26/2018 at 9:05 PM, AKStirling said:

    Hi .... having got sorted out with the 'how to' end of things with running the program, wonder what the consensus is regarding the look of the ortho on the ground .... I'm seeing anomalies which I've taken captures of and can be seen as per the links below. Interested to know if anyone  else seeing similar, and know any way of avoiding these .....???? 

    1) Mallorca ..... ortho scenery stops short of the East end of the island though according to the map the whole island is covered by the 2 tiles ..... something else a litlle odd about this was the whole job only took between 2 & 3 hours to complete, which compares not at all with some of the mamoth time frames i've encountered for a single tile to be processed ....






    As for Mallorca - the same applies to FSET - this is a bug in Prepar3d - Not in Ortho4XP or in FSET. greetings

    Translated by Google.

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