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Todd Coker

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Posts posted by Todd Coker

  1. Just to add, having read through the manual again and looked at the screen shots to see if I remembered what the issue was for me - make sure the enabled box is checked and then hit set which brings up the second smaller window where you select the controller from the drop down and push a button to confirm the assignment (may have to click in the button window, honestly I can't remember) but for a long time I thought there was an issue with the hardware because I only got button 0 which did not work but it was me.

  2. I thought I had this issue initially with the same Yoke as I could never get anything other than 0 but it turned out I was not actually selecting the Yoke when assigning the button but rather the mouse.  Even though it shows the Yoke selected in the drop down list there was another checkbox or click that I was missing - once I figured that out I was able to move the PTT to button 9 and all worked as expected.  I suspect there is 1 small part of the assignment process that, like me, you have not quite done right - check both the left and right hand side of the screen to make sure you haven't missed  a step.

  3. Michael,

    How is that airport referenced in the ini file?  Here is a response from Dave about this topic in another post, the ICAO code is the key so if that payware custom scenery does not have the ICAO code in the folder name which transcribes to the ini file then it looks like P2ATC will grab default data files.  Could this be the issue?


    Yes.  It first looks in the Custom Scenery/scenery_packs.ini file to get any custom scenery with the ICAO code of the selected airport in the name.  If you have a multi-airport custom scenery file, you may need to modify the name of the ini entry and folder to get it to find the airport.

    If it doesn't find a custom scenery, it then looks in the default apt.dat file.


  4. Hi Dave,

    Will this help to reset ATC as well if it appears confused?  I was doing a VFR from NZRO to NZHN and at one point got the not responding micrososft message but it did recover.  After that it did not progress to other frequencies and if I manually changed then it told me to change back to the departure tower (which my co-pilot kept doing for me).  When I got close to my destination and started the landing clearance procedures the departure tower gave me landing clearance (to the correct arrival runway) but when I landed it said welcome to Rotorua (departure airfield).  If I asked for a frequency change instead of just changing frequencies would that have helped get me on the correct approach and tower frequencies or should I have done something else?

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