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Posts posted by Richardnunez

  1. 42 minutes ago, Paul_Smith said:

    So what you are basically saying is that less then 10% of the 747-400 fleet was actually in the air when I wrote that post? That's not a very profitable way to run a business, now is it? If you were interested in informing yourself, you would already know how to find that out for yourself (hint - look up flightaware or any other similar service). If you makes you feel better, there are currently 75 747-400's registered as airborne. 

    You just don’t get it do you I am not wasting my time with someone that really doesn’t understand nothing about business or money carry on your rant by yourself  


    richard nunez

  2. 2 hours ago, Paul_Smith said:

    And you have said that the JS41 and even the Woodpidgeon were going to happen and that the next release of X would be soon. Sorry Chris, what PMDG say and what you do do not always line up, which is absolutely fine. Anybody, and any company, can change their mind. And before anybody chimes in with suggestions that the MD-11, JS41 or even the WoodPidgeon are unused or out of date, can I just point out that at time of writing, out of the almost 700 747-400's that were built, there are less then 50 in the air and this time next year that number will be significantly lower.


    Inform yourself before posting please there are over 530 747 in service around the world 

    richard nunez

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  3. 2 hours ago, Paul_Smith said:

    And you have said that the JS41 and even the Woodpidgeon were going to happen and that the next release of X would be soon. Sorry Chris, what PMDG say and what you do do not always line up, which is absolutely fine. Anybody, and any company, can change their mind. And before anybody chimes in with suggestions that the MD-11, JS41 or even the WoodPidgeon are unused or out of date, can I just point out that at time of writing, out of the almost 700 747-400's that were built, there are less then 50 in the air and this time next year that number will be significantly lower.


    You just don’t get it do you business point of view it’s not worth it it’s been explained so many times but some of you just don’t listen the 747 paid itself in 1 week would you open a business to lose money or make profit ????

    richard Nunez 

  4. On 11/10/2018 at 5:59 AM, Stratox said:

    Tomato doesn't do anything in regards to the rain effects. It controls and adds reflections to some degree. As with pour hobby and platform you have to try and tune it for your machine.

    What is "advanced rain features" in your opinion.

    🧐🧐🧐🧐 yes it does sometimes it pays just to do a little bit of research before putting a comment up 

    richard Nunez 

  5. 5 hours ago, Nyxx said:

    All done and a guild to use and install as well. 

    Hope you enjoy it? am just happy to share. 

    Now it's as stunning at night/dawn/dusk as it is in daylight.

    No, its more stunning because it shows of the amazing moulding that's gone into the VC. It really "pops" now.





    Great work thank you 

    richard Nunez 

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  6. 59 minutes ago, Meekg said:

    I agree it has changed. How about maybe it has been improved?

    I always thought brakes were hardly heating previously so I'm actually glad to see that changed. I think it's just a matter of tweaking the hardware and getting used to braking technique.
    Just for info, I use FSUIPC with type specific custom slopes for nearly all my addons.


    They already mentioned before they are using new braking system on the 800 that’s why the behaviour is different 👍👍

  7. 12 hours ago, KLM57 said:

    I really don´t know how to overcome the problem with overheated breaks and exploding tires as long as PMDG keeps telling us, that we are doing something wrong and not admitting, that for simming purposes the 747-8 is bit too real in this respect...


    There is nothing wrong with it you just need to get used to it use the auto brake until 40 knots and then just be sensible with the throttle and the breaks  that’s the all point of it to be as real as possible 

    richard Nunez 

  8. 9 hours ago, divinglyc said:


    I don't know if it's me doing some setting wrong but I really feel the landing light and taxi/ rwy turnoff light are too dim while taxiing.

    I can hardly see the marking or center line when I taxi or rolling on the runway while taking off or landing.

    Or it's realistic that it's supposed to be so?



    Do you use tomato shade or pta please ???

    Richard nunez

  9. 6 hours ago, srce said:

    I don't think it's a GSX bug - just the wing span is bigger. Found a sport where a380's usually go and that is fine. One GSX issue seems to be that it says "Open Exit 2", even though all doors are open and then the baggage doesn't seem to load.

    How to I display the airport map? The Introduction PDF says see the EFB, but I can't find it in there.

    It’s not a bug it’s just no config for it yet but there is one in the Facebook group 

  10. 5 hours ago, Ephedrin said:

    If it was answered in one of those 'n' pages long teaser threads, no.. I won't search for it in there.. But I have seen a topic about PFPX profiles. 

    TOPCAT has had a profile for the 744 that matches very well with the PMDG 744. Given that this data must have come from somewhere and given the circumstance that PMDG has advertised the 748 with its great new feature "EFB" to show charts and do performance calculations, I am sure they will find a way to implement calculations for one of THE main features of this EFB in the real world. That's what it actually is used for and no airline in the world is going to take off with full thrust (TO-1 and TO-1 might be optional, but not assumed temp) with a load of 25t of fuel and 200pax. Sure, we can guess a temperature, but that's definitely not the way PMDG aircraft are meant to be flown.


    All required data is actually available. What do they have to pay for? the engine data is there, it's simulated. The weather is there, it's filled in. The runway length and elevation comes from the sim. 

    It’s really a disappointment to be honest not having this feature 

    richard Nunez 

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