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Posts posted by dotmicron

  1. Hello,

    I am looking for a landing rate monitor that will output any landing events to a file, potentially including speed, bank, wind speed and direction, etc. Does anyone know of one that exists?

    I have tried Lord of the Landings 1.7 and 1.8, however, both spit out some error about not having the correct side-by-site configuration.



  2. 3 hours ago, charliearon said:

    Do you have a checkmark in "Advanced Animations" in your settings?


    4 hours ago, charliearon said:

    Spotlight.bmp is in FSX/Textures folder.

    Can confirm, it's present, and looks fine.


    3 hours ago, vc10man said:

    I have the same in my CS757-200 but, the taxiway is well-illuminated. So, fault elsewhere?

    That's what I was getting at.

  3. 14 hours ago, w6kd said:

    CaptainSim did not "refuse to help"...they responded to your inquiry several times, and finally ran out of ideas

    Yeah, I should have clarified my wording further. That's not what I meant to convey, sorry! (I'm also not using DirectX 10 preview)

    14 hours ago, charliearon said:

    If you jump to an outside view, looking at the nose of your aircraft,   are your landing lights on?  Can you show a screenshot of what you see?



    24 minutes ago, stans said:

    In your FSX settings do you have "Landing lights illuminate ground" checked?

    I do, yes.

    14 hours ago, charliearon said:

    Possibly something corrupted the spotlight.bmp or removed it.

    Where is this located? In the effects directory?


    Cheers all for the input, it's much appreciated! 🙂

  4. Evening, 

    To put it shortly, I have no landing lights visible on the ground in front of my plane at night. This occurs with all default aircraft, and some payware planes (as far as I know, it's just the Aerosoft Twin Otter and the CaptainSim Boeing 757). On the CaptainSim 757, you can see the actual lights on the model, but not on the ground. I have gone though my settings in FSX. "Pilot controls landing lights" under realism is ON, and "aircraft landing lights reflect on the ground" is also ON. Any help would be much appreciated. CaptainSim have refused to help, by the way. That forum thread for that can be found here: https://www.captainsim.org/forum/csf.pl?num=1546440405

    - Tom

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