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Posts posted by Geoffery

  1. I think Aerowinx takes the crown. 

    Not technically an add on for a flight sim, but instead a flight sim in its own right. But with a scenery generator like Xplane or MSFS for eye candy it, in my opinion, stands alone for flight simulators. If you are into flight sims for the absolute most realistic experience Aerowinx sets the standard. 

  2. The OP could always contribute to the project, it is on GitHib and does welcome comments and improvements. 

    The project does give 999 million building outlines, and for FREE. That is a pretty good deal. 

    It's easy to sit at home and moan about Microsoft, but if it really does break the immersion for you, uninstall.

    I am happy Microsoft have given the community 999 million building outlines for free.   

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  3. I have had a while to think about this. Long term VR user here, and I have 5 headsets from different makers. 

    My opinion is that this is not suited to VR flying anymore than another headset available now. Sure, it may have great visuals but the compromises are also there. 

    First - where will XPlane be installed? This to me is the number one question. Is it on the headset? Nothing was mentioned about storage size. I don't believe installing XPlane on the headset will be possible, or if it is optimal. 10s of GBs. And then what about add ons like airports and ortho scenery. 

    Second - if this means XPlane on another device how are they connected (the headset and computer)? Wired/wireless? And this is the the second most important question because if it is wireless, then the advantages of the 4K screens are completely defeated. You cannot stream that amount of data over wireless. So you would have to reduce something, either resolution or framerate. 

    And if it is wired (which doesn't seem to be the case), what type of wired? I did not see anything to indicate a wired connection to a computer. Driving 4k displays at native resolution would need displayport. 

    Another small point - how does one operate rudders? If Xplane is installed on the headset, how are the rudders connected? 

    I am not interested in talking about performance of mac vs PC. Everyone has their own level of what is acceptable in terms of frame rate. However I am dubious that the M2 can deliver 90fps to the two 4k screens. If you are a PC owner are you going to be able to stream/connect via cable to this headset?

    So my opinion is that yes, this headset does look to be cutting edge. But it suffers exactly the same type of compromises as the alternatives. Great for some stuff, not for others. 


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  4. I suggest this question is added to next years survey:

    How many hours per week do you spend on forums ridiculing sims that you do not like? 

    My guess is that the figures would be quite high for some users here, perhaps even higher than time spent using their chosen sim. I am actually being quite honest, this is not a joke. 



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  5. Hi Chris,

    Same boat as you - I use photoscenery exclusively. From what you are saying I suspect you are missing the night variation in your scenery BGLs. You can check very easily with a tool in the SDK - tmfviewer. Open one of your photoscenery BGLs with that, the menu will list the variations. If night is not available it means the developer didn’t do a night version, which means the default sim night texture will show through. There is no other way to disable the default night texture that you are seeing - basically one photoscenery file must have a day texture (you have that) and a night texture (probably missing that). 

    If you read through the terrain section of the SDK manual it should be clearer - the resample section in particular. That explains how photoscenery is made, including seasons and night textures.  

    • Upvote 1

  6. Hi Team,

    I finally got the Virtual Avionics MCP and EFIS to work in XPlane 11, but with some gotchas along the way. I have had both for a while, and they work perfectly in P3D with the PMDG737 and iFly737, 747. And while they work in XPlane 10 I have never been able to get them to work in XPlane 11, until now!

    Following the install instructions, with the latest drivers I would either get crashes or unresponsive hardware. Checking the XPlane logs showed this:

    Error Code = 126 : The specified module could not be found

    I searched this error and found that it means Windows is missing one or more of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packages. I am not a programmer, but this seemed to be pointing to the issue. I found this all in one package from a reputable site, you can search on google (see below). It is basically an all in one Net Framework package. Then with surplus hardware I created a new PC, with a new install of Windows. I started with Windows 7, planning on 7,8 and 10 testing.

    The clean install gave me the exact same error - Error Code 126, and hardware that was unresponsive. So then I installed the file mentioned above (Visual C++ Runtime installer) and fired up XPlane. Voila! No error code in the log, Virtual Avionics icon green in the task bar, Zibo737 sitting on the tarmac. I changed the course on the MCP, XPlane responded! I toggled a few switches on the EFIS - yes, working as expected. Off to the races....   

    But there are a few things not working and some glitches -

    Heading display
    Altitude display
    Both display figures and will adjust as you move the hardware dials but no change is made to the sim MCP. But when you move the sim MCP the Virtual Avionics MCP figures will change to match your sim figures. Odd.
    Range won't change when you move the dial
    VOR/ADF switches don't change in sim

    I tried a clean install with Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 but it did not work. Installing the framework package got the plug in working, but most functions did not work including the LED digits. The only OS I got working was Windows 7. Again, I am not a programmer but it seems newer versions of the NetFramework are conflicting with the code.

    NetFramework file:
    Visual C++ Runtime Installer (All-In-One) v56 Major Geeks

    To sum up:
    XPlane 11
    Windows 7 only
    Runtime Installer from above
    Latest VA driver, follow install instructions
    Zibo (version does not seem to matter)

    As a test I networked up my "new" Win7 system with working Virtual Avionics Hardware to my main Win10 system and it worked fine - as I manipulated the MCP and EFIS everything worked as expected across the two PCs (everything except the glitches listed above). Next step is a full flight - checking all functions. I think voice commands will get me around the Heading and Altitude bugs above, and I can map a button to change range on the EFIS. I will keep you posted of my progress.

    Happy flying.....

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