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Posts posted by CaptainBanages

  1. 17 hours ago, Manuel82 said:

    Can you post the new dll.xml file's content, just would like to see what's different from the previous content?..its weird...i was very confious


    15 hours ago, byork said:

    The DLL.xml can be a real monster.  If there's any corruption on it, it will cause addons not to load.

    PMDG wrote an article on it:



    Partly my stupidity. I'm a pilot, not a programmer. I thought I tried that one and it didn't work, deleting the addon's above it then realised as some point in troubleshooting it had worked. I downloaded notepad++ and was able to find it right away. Some add-on's above it were missing  </Launch.Addon> to close it off.

  2. 1 hour ago, Manuel82 said:


          <Name>Ultimate Ground Crew X</Name>
          <Path>.\Ultimate Ground Crew X\UGCX64.dll</Path>

    in your dll.xml, and save the changes, then try to rerun P3Dv5, to see if it asks you to run UGCX

    Also, check if you have the "Ultimate Ground Crew X" subdirectory in your P3Dv5 main directory  with the UGCX64.dll inside



    No joy, and both folders are there.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Manuel82 said:

    Try to go to the folder:

    C:\Users\<Your username>\AppData\Roaming\Ultimate Ground Crew X\

    If you see the Ultimate Ground Crew X.LOG file there, delete it.

    Run P3Dv5

    Go back to that directory to see if the LOG file is being regenerated, if not, then something went wrong loading UGCX module.

    Try sending your dll.xml file to check it out.

    and check you have the "Ultimate Ground Crew X" subdirectory in your P3Dv5 main directory



    Log file doesn't generate.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <SimBase.Document Type="AceXML" version="3,0" id="dll">
        <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>
          <Name>Ultimate Ground Crew X</Name>
          <Path>.\Ultimate Ground Crew X\UGCX64.dll</Path>

  4. 11 hours ago, byork said:

    That has nothing to do with UGCX and everything to do with this 🙂


    Question: During engine start, the FO says "STARTER CUTOUT" way too soon and starts his after engine start procedure before I even started the engines.

    Answer: You have a button or hardware lever assigned to the FS "MIXTURE CONTROL" command/event.  Delete that.  FS2Crew reads the position of MIXTURE CONTROL to determine the position of the Start Levers.


    That was it. My key assignment for PTT or start pushback for UCGX was the same as the keyboard command for the mixture.

  5. 4 hours ago, Manuel82 said:

    About the fire truck, maybe it took a route with an issue in it, this could be because of your location or a problem with the airport's layout. What airport's ID, and if it is 3rd party airport which is it?, and in which runway you were located?, so we can attempt to reproduce a similar behaivor


    FlyTampa TNCM RWY 10 it went into the middle of the bay, and ORBX LOWI Runway 26. Both have midfield taxiway's, both times I was stopped at the threshold?

  6. 30 minutes ago, DavidP said:

    It probably isn't the best choice of words but frankly I think you're being a bit precious.

    If you look at the examples in Webster's Dictionary, in North America it can be a completely acceptable adjective to describe something irregular, sporadic, spotty, and erratic and wouldn't necessarily be found offensive unless the word was used in a context with the intent to offend. I've asked to have the title changed.

  7. 1 hour ago, Biggles2010 said:

    It may be my failing memory, but I thought there used to be a link to draw Avsim's attention to a topic which could be inappropriate or offensive.

    Such an instance occurred today with a topic title using a term which would be considered offensive by disabled people.

    It's use in the UK would be be an offence, and could involve prosecution, but there is currently no easy way to advise Avsim of this.

    It means something different across the pond and is used in a wide variety of ways, and isn't considered offensive unless maybe directly referring to someone with CP. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spastic

  8. No intent to offend, and I have friends who have CP. It means something different across the pond and isn't necessarily considered offensive, a spastic colon, spastic muscles, etc. If someone can change the title I'd appreciate it. Some examples how its used in North America.


    Definition of spastic

    1a: of, relating to, characterized by, or affected with or as if with spasm
    b: characterized by hypertonic muscles
    a spastic influx of data
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