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Posts posted by Immunol

  1. On 2/22/2021 at 10:38 AM, Tom Wright said:

    Press AP, then press HDG and ALT. It'll fly the heading that's set on the DI and should maintain the current altitude. Remember there's no autothrottle so you're still controlling speed with the throttle.

    I tried this and HDG worked fine to establish the heading, but ALT did absolutely nothing and the plane kept on climbing. In fact, nothing seemed to give me vertical control. It has been this way in the past (I keep thinking they might release a patch to fix this, but nothing yet). Even after I had to reinstall MSFS 2020 a couple weeks ago for a different problem, things didn't change. Would love to find a fix for this.

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  2. Jarmstro - You were right about this being a "gaming services" issue. As soon as the MS tech directed me to use PowerShell to update (or replace?) the gaming services app I was able to install MSFS 2020. I was online with a tech for the better part of two hours total. Hope you can get your computer to work!

    Never did figure out why the app wouldn't launch using the desktop icon, which was my original issue, but I have a functional app now so I'm happy about that! Thanks to all who offered suggestions. Much appreciated!

  3. 16 minutes ago, devgrp said:

    Click on the start menu, find the FS icon, right click and select uninstall. Also to avoid the reinstallation, go to your windows store (if windows version), find the sim and try to install it from the store. If you installed to a custom folder (for instance the d drive) just point the installer to that folder when it asks where to install and it will just find all your files and update the bad ones thats preventing it from starting.


    Good luck

    Thanks devgrp, I located the FS icon in the Start menu and clicked "uninstall". It didn't seem to do anything. Also, I tried to install from the store and that's what gave the "error" message. 

  4. I have to reinstall due to the MSFS 2020 app being obliterated when I tried to reset it (wouldn't open using the desktop icon). So, I made sure Windows 10 is updated and the apps in the store were updated.  In my library, I clicked "install", checked that I had plenty of space on my SSD, and within 3 seconds of installation it gives me an error. No specifics, just "error". Tried several more times, then rebooted the computer and tried again. No joy.

    I couldn't do a standard uninstall of the program before I tried reinstalling because I could find nothing to uninstall - nothing in apps and nothing in the Control Panel Programs.

    What am I missing here?  Thanks!

  5. I plan to reinstall this weekend, but I face a conundrum. I need to uninstall MSFS 2020, but it doesn't show up in the apps or the Control Panel uninstall feature. The icon will show up in the Start menu but does nothing when I click on uninstall. It's like it disappeared. I did a Google search and found I could/should uninstall from the registry. I'm concerned that if I don't get a clean uninstall, then I won't get a clean install. I know that one needs to edit the registry with great care, but I believe I could find the right registry entry and delete it.

    Does that sound like the right approach?  Or should I try to reinstall over what might have remained on my computer?


  6. I may have totally screwed up here, but nothing has worked so far. So, I went into apps and reset X-box Live and MS Store. I've had to do this in the distant past to get MSFS 2020 work, so I tried it again - it didn't help. But I noticed that the MSFS icon was greyed out, so I clicked on reset and.....   The MSFS app icon disappeared! Gone!  So, I went to Programs to look for MSFS and it isn't there either. My recycle bin isn't filled up so I don't think everything has been deleted, but I don't know what to do next. Reinstall?

    Rookie mistake. Should have asked the forum first. This is a self-inflicted wound but I'm getting mighty tired of having to fiddle with this app.

    Any suggestions as to what to do next?  Thanks!

  7. I tried to start the sim and got an "insert disc" message because I had forgotten to connect the internet cable - duh!  But after the internet connection was restored (double-checked it) nothing would happen when I clicked the desktop icon. Rebooted with no change. Did a search and found a post about a similar problem that had me sign out of the Microsoft store, then sign back in. No change after reboot. Then I reset the Microsoft Store cache. No change after reboot.

    Finally I tried to launch from the Microsoft Store My Library site. No go. I haven't had any start-up issues with the game in a long time. I can't image I corrupted anything by simply trying to start the sim after failing to connect to the internet.

    Anybody have a fix for this?


  8. Following the update to everything seemed fine initially. Was able to make multiple flights with no problems.

    Two days later I select flight and click "Ready to Fly" and the plane gives me a few spontaneous (unprompted) cockpit views, then settles to 45 degree to the right and the view won't budge with mouse, keyboard or yoke controls. This happens with the half-dozen planes I've tried. I've made no modifications other than trying out the extreme dead zone at 25% but I switched it back with no effect on the views. 

    I've searched for others that might have the same problem after this update, but didn't see anything. Any ideas as to how to overcome this would be appreciated!

  9. On 9/27/2020 at 3:24 AM, sauviat said:


    Martin -

    A while back I posted what I did as a workaround to this problem in your "Houston, we have a problem!" thread. I've cross-posted it below in case you didn't see it. I currently use my parking brake as my brakes by mapping it to a button on my yoke. Not great for tight turns, but it stops me.........


    Made a bit of progress in my issue of planes not moving down the runway after application of full throttle. Based on what I read In another group, I removed the bindings for my left and right brakes AXIS and changed them to left and right brakes (NOT the axis). Although I now no longer have brakes (not sure why), I've been able to take 15 flights with no problem in taking off or getting the plane to taxi after coming to a full stop!  Before this my plane wouldn't budge 9 out of 10 attempts. I'm trying to figure out what this means, but am enjoying flight again! Prior to this I'd disconnected all my peripherals one-at-time with no positive effect and I checked for duplicate assignments with the wheel brakes and parking brake. Didn't see any problems with overlapping assignments. Not sure I'm any closer to understanding what the root problem is, but maybe the AVSIM braintrust can offer some suggestions.

  10. Martin -

    Made a bit of progress in my issue of planes not moving down the runway after application of full throttle. Based on what I read In another group, I removed the bindings for my left and right brakes AXIS and changed them to left and right brakes (NOT the axis). Although I now no longer have brakes (not sure why), I've been able to take 15 flights with no problem in taking off or getting the plane to taxi after coming to a full stop!  Before this my plane wouldn't budge 9 out of 10 attempts. I'm trying to figure out what this means, but am enjoying flight again! Prior to this I'd disconnected all my peripherals one-at-time with no positive effect and I checked for duplicate assignments with the wheel brakes and parking brake. Didn't see any problems with overlapping assignments. Not sure I'm any closer to understanding what the root problem is, but maybe the AVSIM braintrust can offer some suggestions.

  11. Martin,

    Anything new on the "airplane doesn't budge on the runway when throttle is applied" front?

    My  problems continue. I can visually confirm that the parking brake is off and yet the plane will not roll down the runway even at full throttle. I have noticed if I move the rudder pedals (Redbird Alloy RD1) back and forth the plane will "unstick" and commence its takeoff roll. But the problem is intermittent and restarting doesn't often help.

    I'll scour Zendesk for items related to this to get some help.

  12. I feel your pain. I started having this problem a few weeks ago flying the Cessna 172 (steam gauge) out of KIKV. It occurs intermittently about every third takeoff. Sometimes moving the rudder pedals left and right will cause the plane to start to roll. Visually, I've confirmed that the parking break is off. Pretty frustrating.

    • Upvote 1

  13. 8 hours ago, matos64 said:

    Hi there,

    If you want to make things move forward, there is a topic regarding the KAP140 autopilot on the MSFS bug forum. You should vote for this topic so the devs can prioritize the issue : https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/vote-to-fix-of-the-kap-140-autopilot-of-the-cessna-172-steam-gauges/319245

    This is the only way Asobo will listen and prioritize its work. So far, almost all the top issue/wishes have been captured in their development road map and fixed/or will be fixed in the next releases.


    Will do.

  14. 23 hours ago, fppilot said:

    Ixoye said: Set the desired altitude.  When airborne, activate the AP.  Click the Alt button.  It should present you with a zero value.  At that point click the AP's up button.  Each click should result in 100 of climb rate after the airplane settles into a climb. 

    Tried this and it did get me a fairly stable climb at 500 fpm, but I only clicked the "up" button once and the plane didn't level out at the altitude that I selected. A step in the right direction though.....

  15. I've searched the forum and viewed several YT videos and I can't get certain aspects of the autopilot to function. Setting it to ROL, HDG and NAV functions work fine, but the vertical functions don't want to obey. The plane won't increase or decrease altitude after pressing ALT and then dialing in the fpm in VS. Most of the time it ignores the inputs, whereas other times it will start to ascend or descend but will wildly overshoot what was dialed in.

    Holding a heading is great using the autopilot, but I may be doing something wrong with the vertical functions. A search of the forum indicates that most people who are flying GA aircraft seem to be pretty happy with the autopilot.

    Any ideas to remedy this situation?  Thanks in advance.


  16. 8 hours ago, John Fields said:


    I have the Deluxe Premium MSFS2020 bought and downloaded since the first day. And now appears the message "Please insert Disc 1". I have no disc! What happened? I played yesterday without problem.

    Anyone can help me?

    Thank you


    Here's what worked for me (twice due to installing Patches):

    1. Check for windows updates (in my case, none needed)

    2. Reset Xbox and MS Store apps (Settings > apps > reset Xbox and MS Store apps > restart computer)

    3. Fix Xbox Networking (Settings > gaming > Xbox networking > click "fix it" > restart computer)

  17. A Microsoft tech (Xbox gamer?) solved my "insert disc" problem that I've had ever since installing Patch #2. I tried 8 or 10 different suggestions, to no avail.

    Here's what worked:

    1. Check for windows updates (in my case, none needed)

    2. Reset Xbox and MS Store apps (Settings > apps > reset Xbox and MS Store apps > restart computer

    3. Fix Xbox Networking (Settings > gaming > Xbox networking > click "fix it" > restart computer

    After 3 days of no flight sim and little hope of finding a fix, this is what worked for me. 

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  18. A Microsoft tech (Xbox gamer?) solved my problem. I tried 8 or 10 different suggestions, to no avail.

    Here's what worked:

    1. Check for windows updates (in my case, none needed)

    2. Reset Xbox and MS Store apps (Settings > apps > reset Xbox and MS Store apps > restart computer

    3. Fix Xbox Networking (Settings > gaming > Xbox networking > click "fix it" > restart computer

    After 3 days of no flight sim and little hope of finding a fix, this is what worked for me. 

    • Like 1

  19. I appreciate all the suggestions.  Unfortunately I logged out of Xbox and MS store and then relogged in to MS store, but it didn't correct the problem. Also tried WSReset.exe, but it didn't fix the problem.

    Am I stuck uninstalling Flight Simulator and then reinstalling the whole thing?  What's to prevent the same thing from happening?

    Very frustrated.

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