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Posts posted by Burgess

  1. hey guys i am Mitch and i have recently been spending a lot of time making a scenery for longreach in Australia for myself and cannot convert the xml file to bgl is this meant to be a sxml or is there no difference.I have tried putting the folder in a different location but still no luck. I have also put install xml2bgl and nothing happened still but i got this message ''Object placer working - but no way of converting from XML to BGL''. anyways i hope you guys can help 

  2. Today I started up P3DV5 and noticed there was only 2 locations in the CHANGE AIRPORT SECTION. I typed my place where I wanted start then the sim crashed I said maybe there is some type of bug so I restarted my PC then opened it back up and still notice it is the same. Then picked and aircraft and the aircraft seemed to not be there in the display menu. SO THE AIRCRAFT IN THE MENU SOMETIMES SHOWS and sometimes doesn't . But when it shows it is from a weird angle {can't zoom in or out} showing different angles of the aircraft like a cockpit or window. And the location thing is just something it wont even let me or anything. When I type it just crashes?

    Then after that I did a fresh Reinstall of P3DV5 and to NO AVAIL IT STILL DOES IT!

    here are the links for the screenshots of what is happening!



    Thanks for the help in ADVANCE!


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