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Posts posted by Booms

  1. Also, if it is a "new sim" with backwards compatibility, the current stuff will need updating which doesn't mean 100% guarantee devs will do that. Some might release one or two updates to make things compatible and then put their efforts 100% into releasing new stuff for the new sim. Current planes/airports/addons will become stale and you'll end up with no choice but to purchase the new stuff for the new sim. I could be wrong and I hope so but this while announcement stinks.

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  2. This is 100% a scam from Asobo/Microsoft. The sim has NOT been great for 4 years to already release a new version. We just got functioning airliners ONE year ago. The first two years of the sim were awful full of bugs, lack of full IFR support. If the sim was great for the 3 years, then OK I can see a small reason to release a new version 4 years later. But cmon this is not the case with MSFS.

    Like others have said, what will happen to the current buglist/wishlist? We were promised seasons in MSFS 2020, we have outstanding bugs.

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  3. Opposite experience for me. I have a G2 and have never gone back to pancake (2D) flying since I've had it. VR combined with VATSIM is just peak immersion - IFR and VFR. The freedom of looking around and just seeing "depth" can't be beat. I think the key to enjoying VR is having a good resolution headset and running it at 100% resolution. Huge VR user here. Also, great for sim racing as well and DCS.

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