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Posts posted by WVSF-VFR

  1. Alex

    LNM Installed and Tutorials are really great,  Getting the hang of it.  Question. I found the way to "Export" Flight Plans to FMS in Xplane 11 but cant seem to find the way to "Import" from FMS .Have set up SID  & STARs with specific R Nav (GPS) using SKY Vector Charts and would like to "Track" thpse flights, approaches, Minimums, etc . Any advice on how to do this?





  2. Alex...Sorry But Im going around in circles..... Can not find your email to send open Log file.... Once I can send this I think you will be able to solve my issue.  Can you email me directly at      REMOVED EMAIL TO AVOID SPAM   The Github thing is not working for me somehow....I am really looking forward to see what I am doing wrong....Many thanks

    Mike Austin


    Spanish Fort, Alabama ,USA

  3. Ok beginning to sink in now... I normaly load Flight Plans from Sky Vector into X Plane 11 FMS using X Plane Tools.  That may be the Problem.  Will Try that. Yes I did install Xpconnect but I seem to be having a problem with the error message asking for the Globe Elevation..... Not sure what to do with file with all the tiles?  I really only need the USA  like E  and F


  4. Hi Alex,

    Probably because I am a first Time user , I thought this thread would help me Place my C402C  or C172M on the LNM Departing Airport , but it doesent.  It works fine for me in MS20 but No Aiplane in XP11.  Have reloaded from scratch several times.   Sim and Base Path seem to be ok.... I must be doing something wrong..... have followed Tutorials over and over....would really like to solve this.... thanks



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