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Posts posted by beamtuner

  1. Thanks for your reply.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "modern flight model". This is a brand new aircraft, just purchased from the Marketplace in the sim.Or, is this a setting in the sim that gets adjusted?

    Also, just how can I know how to set the trim until the aircraft is flying, even just a bit? This thing noses down the second it has enough speed to react to the aiirflow. Regardless of how much or little you pull back on the stick, add flaps, or run the elevator trim. It goes from just beginning to lift a little to nose down crash regardless of what you do. The co-pilot also knows how to adjust the trim as flight begins, and he/she also crashes the plane. Or, does it need a counter-intuitive trim setting? I've  flown planes in this sim that do require huge rudder and aileron trim adjustments while taking off, but at least they reacted properly as you increased the trim,

  2. Neither I nor my co-pilot can get the F-15 from DC Designs to successfully take off. When you get enough speed to pull up, the plane rises a very short distance, and then the nose dives into the ground, and pulling back on the stick does nothing.Same for the co=pilot. This is not a speed or stall problem. I have had planes that were hard to control once in the air, but never before had a plane that even the co=pilot couldn't get to take off. I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Is there a way to start the simulation in free flight already in the air?.

  3. I recently installed MSFS2020. When I am in the second flying  lesson, while the instructor has control of the plane and is showing me the instrument panel up close, she flies the plane straight into the ground.  Nothing I do seems to have any effect, as she has taken exclusive control of the plane. The first lesson went smoothly, but the second lesson, the instructor always does this right off the bat. All of my hardware, the yoke and rudder pedals and instrument panels, all work ok when I am just fllyng around. Is this a new bug? Reboots don't help, and this happens with both the Steam version and the regular version.

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